Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] RFC: an interface question

[Freeciv-Dev] RFC: an interface question

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] RFC: an interface question
From: Jason Dorje Short <vze49r5w@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2003 02:09:55 -0500
Reply-to: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

For gen-topologies, Ross and I agree on 3 standard choices for topology: isometric or not, north-south wrapping or not, and east-west wrapping or not.

This leads to a question of server interfaces.  One choice is:

  > help isometricmap
  Option: isometricmap  -  set to have an isometric map
  instead of the standard flat-earth one
  Status: changeable
  Value: 0, Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 1
  > help xwrap
  Option: xwrap  -  Set to wrap in east-west direction
  Status: changeable
  Value: 1, Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
  > help ywrap
  Option: ywrap  -  Set to wrap in north-south direction
  Status: changeable
  Value: 0, Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 1

while the other is:

  > help maptype
  Option: maptype  -  Map type or topology
    0 = Flat_Earth              4 = iso Flat_Earth
    1 = Standard (Wrap E-W)     5 = iso Standard (Wrap E-W)
    2 = Neptune  (Wrap N-S)     6 = iso Neptune  (Wrap N-S)
    3 = Torus World             7 = iso Torus World

  Status: changeable
  Value: 1, Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 7

ultimately it shouldn't matter much which interface is used, but the fact is that this generally ties in closely with which backend is being used.

My question, therefore, is: which interface is better/more intuitive/easier to use?


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