Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] IPv6 support patch.

[Freeciv-Dev] IPv6 support patch.

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To: Luc.Beloeil@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] IPv6 support patch.
From: Nir Peled <Techdeck@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 02:16:13 +0200
Reply-to: Techdeck@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi. Today I was wandering around the freeciv site and found a patch you
made (for IPv6). Then I went to the developers and asked them if theres IPv6
support for freeciv and they mentioned your patch. they said no one tested it 
because no one had access to IPv6 system. Well, I decided to volunteer to 
test it, and I did. The results of my test are pretty much positive, it 
works. There's only a minor bug I can see (right now), it displays the IPv6 
address in weird chars, so, since you made the patch I thought I should 
contact you and ask you if you are willing to fix(or at least try) the 
original patch. Just in case you lost it I attached it with this e-mail.

Best Regards,

Nir Peled.

Nir Peled -- Techdeck@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Http:// director.
GnuPG fingerprint - 2BDB B977 CDF4 D2CC 4899  39F4 1B22 171E 5C24 CD1D

Attachment: freeciv-1.13.0.ipv6.patch
Description: Text Data

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