Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Floating Mini Map and tile sets

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Floating Mini Map and tile sets

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To: nr.edge@xxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Floating Mini Map and tile sets
From: Jason Short <jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 01 Jan 2003 17:28:50 -0500

On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 06:33, nr.edge@xxxxxxx wrote:
>  I found the dockable/floating mini map in version 1.12.0 much better than 
> what 
> is present in the 1.13.0 version. If the map is large it crushes the playing 
> area to a unusable size. Please return to something more like v1.12.0!

How was the minimap different in 1.12.0, and how is that better than
1.13.0?  Do you realize that the minimap can be undocked in 1.13.0?

>  I will say that the interface for v1.13.0 makes it much easier to start a 
> game - but how on earth do you change the graphics being used. Are we doomed 
> to 
> be stuck with what's the default or labouriously change all the files et al 
> by 
> hand to dupe it into loading alternatives as the defaults? I liked playing 
> with 
> the Hi-Res tile set and unit set, making alterations to them also. Now I'm 
> stuck with IsoTrident! Isn't this the opposite of what FreeCiv is supposed to 
> be about, open customization?

Erm, it's not like we took away flexibility that was there before.  The
game was always like this, you just never noticed before because you
like hires.

You can use the -t (--tiles) option to load a different tileset when you
start the client.  With GNOME or KDE it should be easy to set up
different launcher buttons for different tilesets; with other window
systems (including Windows) it is possible but generally harder.

In "local options" an option has been added allowing you to set the
default tileset.  I believe this will be present in 1.14.0.  In the
development code you can also change your tileset on-the-fly.

If you want to change the default by renaming files, the only one you
need to rename is the top-level one.  Rename 'hires.tilespec" as


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  • [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Floating Mini Map and tile sets, Jason Short <=