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[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2344) XPM->PNG for documentation

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2344) XPM->PNG for documentation

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To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#2344) XPM->PNG for documentation
From: "Jason Short via RT" <rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 04:21:35 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[kauf - Fri Nov 15 05:48:54 2002]:

> "readable" is misspelled.
> also, you might want to be more clear on what "near" means.

This doc fixes that, and also elaborates/updates the civ2 comment right


Index: doc//BUGS
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/doc/BUGS,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 BUGS
--- doc//BUGS   2002/10/28 17:47:33     1.10
+++ doc//BUGS   2002/11/16 12:20:47
@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@
          (if you know them) of your Gtk+, glib, and imlib libraries.
        - If you are using the Xaw client, the version numbers (if you
-         know them) of the X libraries, the Xpm library, and the Xaw
-         library, and particularly whether it is standard Xaw, or a
-         variant such as Xaw3d, Xaw95, or Nextaw.
+         know them) of the X libraries, the PNG library, the Z library,
+         and the Xaw library, and particularly whether it is standard
+         Xaw, or a variant such as Xaw3d, Xaw95, or Nextaw.
        - If you're compiling from source code, the name
          and version number of the compiler.
Index: doc//HACKING
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/doc/HACKING,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 HACKING
--- doc//HACKING        2002/09/19 14:39:39     1.5
+++ doc//HACKING        2002/11/16 12:20:48
@@ -310,23 +310,34 @@
-Currently the graphics is stored in the xpm fileformat, and accordingly
-loaded using libxpm.
+Currently the graphics is stored in the PNG file format (other formats
+may be readable by some clients).
-If you alter the graphics, then notice that after saving the new xpm
-file, you must manually mark the first color as transparent. Look at
-the original xpm-files, to see how this is done. Failing to do this
-results in crash(the mask-pixmaps will not be generated).
+If you alter the graphics, then make sure that the background remains
+transparent.  Failing to do this means the mask-pixmaps will not be
+generated properly, which will certainly not give any good results.
 Each terrain tile is drawn in 16 versions, all the combinations with
 with a green border in one of the main directions. Hills, mountains,
 forests and rivers are treated in special cases.
-[IMO we should have gotten rid of libxpm long ago. The graphics should
-be drawn in 24bit, and then quantized runtime, if the client is displayed
-on a pseudocolor display. 
-The current tile system should be converted to something like civ2's.
-They get away with drawing way less tiles, and it looks better. -PU]
+The XAW client requires that the graphics be stored in "paletted" PNGs,
+which for graphics with few colors is probably a good idea anyway. It also
+has a limited number of colors available, although it will try to match
+similar-looking colors after the existing supply has been exhausted.  Of
+course, not every tileset has to be usable by the XAW client.
+Isometric tilesets are drawn in a similar way to how civ2 draws (that's
+why civ2 graphics are compatible).  For each base terrain type there
+exists one tile sprite for that terrain.  The tile is blended with
+nearby tiles to get a nice-looking boundary.  This is erronously called
+"dither" in the code.
+Non-isometric tilesets draw the tiles in the "original" freeciv way,
+which is both harder and less pretty.  There are multiple copies of
+each tile, so that a different copy can be drawn depending the terrain
+type of the adjacent tiles.  It may eventually be worthwhile to convert
+this to the civ2 system.
Index: doc//
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/doc/,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1
--- doc//        2002/04/11 10:32:16     1.1
+++ doc//        2002/11/16 12:20:48
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@
 Individual spec files:
-Each spec file describes one graphics file (currently xpm format only)
-as specified in the spec file.  The graphics file must be in the
-Freeciv data path, but not necessarily "near" the spec file.  (Thus
-you could have multiple spec files using a single graphics file in
-different ways.)
+Each spec file describes one graphics file (PNG format is standard,
+although some clients may accept other formats as well) as specified in
+the spec file.  The graphics file must be in the Freeciv data path, but
+not necessarily in the same location as the spec file.  Note you can have
+multiple spec files using a single graphics file in different ways.
 The main data described in the spec file is in sections named
 [grid_*], where * is some arbitrary tag (but unique within each file).

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