Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: October 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] New release

[Freeciv-Dev] New release

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To: freeciv-i18n@xxxxxxxxxxx, <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] New release
From: "Per I. Mathisen" <per@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 13:09:36 +0000 (GMT)

Hello people,

We need another release.

There are a huge number of very big patches waiting to go in, and this
will seriously destabilize cvs for a while. The original xmas release
target with a freeze in the beginning of November looks like a dead turkey
already, and the recent version poll suggests that we should get out a
replacement for 1.13.0 sooner rather than later. The only sensible option
is to make a release now before we destabilize cvs.

Backporting all the bugfixes that have gone in so far to 1.13.0 is simply
not feasible anymore. It would require much more work and receive much
less testing than cvs has been given.

So we'll release 1.14.0 now based on current cvs, but we'll skip feature
freeze. Instead, I will fork off a release branch in a few days which will
be stabilized for a first beta release in about a week.

Development will continue in main cvs as normal. From then on, bugfixes
must be added to both branches of cvs, however.

Since there is no feature freeze making life miserable for everyone, we
can take our time with this beta and not hurry it.

To pull down the new branch, merely do this (instead of "cvs co freeciv"):

    cvs -z3 co -r R1_14_0 -d freeciv-1.14.0 freeciv

This will put the release branch into the "freeciv-1.14.0" directory.

Translators: If you do not manage to get your translations updated before
the branching, you also need to do this. If we commit bugfixes to the
release branch that changes translated strings, I will let you know.

 - Per

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