[Freeciv-Dev] Possible save bug
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I suddenly get:
Konnte das Spiel nicht in der Datei 'khan+1240.sav.gz' speichern
> save khan3.sav
Konnte das Spiel nicht in der Datei 'khan3.sav.gz' speichern
It seems to me that the file system is not the reason. I deleted
a bunch of files in the directory and still got the error.
chris@max:~/freeciv/games> du .
402 ./test
8365 ./mygame
130153 .
chris@max:~/freeciv/games> df .
Dateisystem 1k-Blöcke Benutzt Verfügbar Ben% montiert auf
/dev/hda9 2015517 1298104 615001 68% /home
chris@max:~/freeciv/games> ls -l | wc
3462 31151 255750
What are possible reasons for this, if it is a local problem?
What can I do to track it down, if it's a freeciv problem?
(game's still running)
Does a core dump help?
Christian Knoke * * * http://www.enter.de/~c.knoke/
* * * * * * * * * Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse dividendum.
- [Freeciv-Dev] Possible save bug,
Christian Knoke <=