Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Cevo2 -still copyrighted pics in the unit set-

[Freeciv-Dev] Cevo2 -still copyrighted pics in the unit set-

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Cevo2 -still copyrighted pics in the unit set-
From: "T.J.T van Kooten" <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 23:51:08 +0200

Hi all,

Seeing the discussion going on about the copyrighted 
graphics in the unit set of Civ-evo I decided to verify the 
graphics with the official Civ2 scenario disks: "Conflicts in 
Civilizations"  and "Fantastic Worlds".  These addons were 
released by Microprose and are, as far as I know, still 

I've placed the "StdUnits-corrected.BMP" in the incoming 
directory for review. 18 units (about 10 are direct copies)  
have been marked with the name of the scenario were I 
found the unit in question.

The mark "*OK*" means that the unit is based on an orginal 
Civ2 Scen units, but different enough to be something new.
"*" means slightly altered (e.a the Midgard cannon barrel has 
been made about 2-3 pixels shorter) IMO not enough to 
become an original unit
*?* Not sure

I'm not sure if caught them all. I've been checking them for a 
few hours now but I think I found most of the  suspect units. I 
have not included Speyer's, Mathisen's and Kumar's results 
so there may be some overlap.

Good luck,


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