Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: April 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: questions about agents

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: questions about agents

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To: <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: questions about agents
From: "Per I. Mathisen" <Per.Inge.Mathisen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 00:05:41 +0200 (MEST)

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Raimar Falke wrote:
> > > What are the current plans for Settler Management Agent?
> I will restart working on it if the new release is out.

Will this include autosettling of cities? Or just a replacement for
the current autosettlers?

> Long answer: The general idea is to create/copy-modify code which
> handles the basic tasks (auto*) and also higher tasks in a fashion
> which is ok for client side operation. This ai-code and the "classic"
> server code will both be put into the CVS tree. If at some point the
> "new" ai-code is as good as the "classic" one and the civbot is coded
> the "classic" one can disabled/removed.

So you want to have two AIs simultaneously in development without sharing
any code between them? Well, I can't say that sounds like an ideal
situation to me.

> > > And move GOTO to the client (please)?
> We have three users of goto (server, client and agents). If we can
> agree upon an interface and an implementation I would really to unify
> this and create a common/goto.

Does the client need anything from the server to create a client-side
goto, really? I thought it had all it needed in the map structs it
receives. Of course, then you can't have that cheesy "hey I can use GOTO
to see what is land and what isn't even though I haven't explore this part
of the map yet" effect, but I don't see that as a loss.

> This isn't the plan. If you want to use agents at the server you have
> to either use the civbot way or have to look at this for yourself.

So you are not opposed to, say, moving client/agents to common/agents, so
that this code can be shared between client and server AIs?

(Not that I intend to do the work of implementing this for server-side.)

> I see two points where we disagree:
>  - where should be code be placed client/agents (maybe with common/) vs ai

ai/ is kind of a bastard directory. The ideal would be common/agents/,
common/ai/ and server/ai/, but since we have ai/ already, we can just as
well pretend it is server/ai/ for all intents and purposes.

>  - whether we use the existing infrastructure in ai/ or not

I think we all agree that the current infrastructure sucks. But writing
code useable both by client and server AIs means we give the client AI a
head start when that time comes, while also improving the existing AI

So perhaps we should start moving utility functions useful for both client
and server AI into common/ai/ already? Also we should make some kind of
policy on how to write server AI code so that it can be useful for client
AI - ie don't use this or that server-only code/data that isn't available
for client... I don't have any clue about that.


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