Dear Sir,
May I congratulate you and your fellows on an
excellent project. Well done!
I am a long term civ fan. I run a games club ( where the main game
is civ2 multiplayer.
As a programmer and web designer I recenlty thought
it was about time that I should write a simultaneous movement version of
Imagine my suprise when I came accross your site!
(I was actually hoping some hacker had put the civ2 source code up for grabs
some where).
You have a working version of my project - and with
30 players on a proper client / server configuration!!
My games club, a private enterprise since late
1998, will go public soon (within a year) where I plan to host civ competitions.
I would like to persuade our club to adopt freeciv as our official cuv game over
civ2. I hope that you would be pleased if we did this.
Perhaps in the future I can assist in your project?
At the moment I am heavily involved in web programming (there is so much to
learn), but my club and playing civ is a very important part of my life - so I
am keen to see your collaboration win through.
Good luck - I will check your website regularly
from now on and report bugs, requests etc.
Steve Payne