Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] V for veteran

[Freeciv-Dev] V for veteran

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] V for veteran
From: Marvin <a-l@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 18:48:15 +0100

Hi there.

I think veteran units should have a 'V' in the bottom right corner.
It's useful to have instant access to this tactical information everywhere
when you play those competitive smallpox games with many units.

Here's a small hack that patches the Trident graphics and works with
non-isometric view. The size is 17K only because of the binary data for the
trident/tiles.xpm file.

Actually, it would be cooler if someone would draw an Iron Cross or a Purple
Heart... I couldn't draw something that resembles anything if my life depended
upon it. I just flipped the 'A' and deleted some.

diff -Nur -Xdiff_ignore freeciv-1.12.0/client/tilespec.c 
--- freeciv-1.12.0/client/tilespec.c    Mon Aug  6 23:02:00 2001
+++ hackciv/client/tilespec.c   Mon Feb  4 16:34:20 2002
@@ -549,6 +549,7 @@
   SET_SPRITE(unit.transform,    "unit.transform");
   SET_SPRITE(unit.connect,      "unit.connect");
   SET_SPRITE(unit.patrol,       "unit.patrol");
+  SET_SPRITE(unit.veteran,      "unit.veteran");
   for(i=0; i<NUM_TILES_HP_BAR; i++) {
     my_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "unit.hp_%d", i*10);
@@ -1039,6 +1040,10 @@
   ihp = CLIP(0, ihp, NUM_TILES_HP_BAR-1);
   *sprs++ = sprites.unit.hp_bar[ihp];
+  if (punit->veteran) {
+    *sprs++ = sprites.unit.veteran;
+  }
   return sprs - save_sprs;
diff -Nur -Xdiff_ignore freeciv-1.12.0/client/tilespec.h 
--- freeciv-1.12.0/client/tilespec.h    Mon Aug  6 23:02:00 2001
+++ hackciv/client/tilespec.h   Mon Feb  4 16:31:39 2002
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
   } explode;
   struct {
     struct Sprite
+      *veteran,
diff -Nur -Xdiff_ignore freeciv-1.12.0/data/trident/tiles.spec 
--- freeciv-1.12.0/data/trident/tiles.spec      Sun Jan 28 22:21:55 2001
+++ hackciv/data/trident/tiles.spec     Mon Feb  4 16:36:42 2002
@@ -419,6 +419,10 @@
  16,  9, "unit.hp_10"
  16, 10, "unit.hp_0"
+; Unit status
+  4, 16, "unit.veteran"
 ; Numbers: city size:
  14,  0, "city.size_0"
diff -Nur -Xdiff_ignore freeciv-1.12.0/data/trident/tiles.xpm 
--- freeciv-1.12.0/data/trident/tiles.xpm       Sat Oct 28 00:20:16 2000
+++ hackciv/data/trident/tiles.xpm      Sun Feb  3 06:33:58 2002
@@ -172,16 +172,16 @@
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                       $$$    $$$$   $$$$                     $$$$$             
          $$$$ $$$$                     ",

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