Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: remove nearest_real_pos uses (PR#1211)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: remove nearest_real_pos uses (PR#1211)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: remove nearest_real_pos uses (PR#1211)
From: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 21:23:55 -0800 (PST)

Ross W. Wetmore wrote:

At 01:01 PM 02/01/07 +0100, Raimar Falke wrote:

On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 02:39:16AM -0800, jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

The attached patch removes two unnecessary (incorrect AFAICT) uses of nearest_real_pos.

1. In map_get_player_tile(), I've replaced the nearest_real_pos call with a CHECK_MAP_POS check (included in map_inx). I haven't verified that all calls to the code are safe, but (1) the error message that is currently displayed for non-real tiles is never shown and (2) extensively running autogames has yet to turn up a failed assert.

Note that Ross's corecleanups return NULL in the case of a non-real map position, but this isn't desired IMO and isn't feasible at this time (since it would require converting all uses to check the return value, which they currently do not do).

Matter of style to some extent. Returning a NULL value allows the caller
to handle the error condition, as opposed to deciding that the one-true-way
is pre-decided by fiat. Of course the caller can decide to resolve the
error condition by indirecting through the NULL pointer which will accomplish much the same end as your assert would do but in a more optimized way :-).

True, but (1) none of the code does any checking now and (2) it's safer to rely on an assert than on the caller to use the value in a way that will cause a segfault. Since there's no legitimate reason to make a NULL request, there's no advantage to allowing such.

Note that the code you removed would only have displayed an error for a
non-real tile. The corecleanups used normalize_map_pos() to make sure that the TRUE condition correctly normalized, and nearest_real_pos()
would have effectively done the same.

But I have added CHECK_MAP_POS in its place, which may do that if desired.

Thus if there were unnormal coordinates passed in you would never have seen it, so your assurance on this just evaporated. You *will* die now though if this is the case :-).

Yes, my statement was unclear. The autogames have not died, but if there is a bad reference we will now be able to catch it easily.

But if you turn off error asserting, you will pass back pointers into
random memory in this case.

Again, it depends on the implementation of CHECK_MAP_POS. Assuming all calls are correct no check is needed and we will be fine.

2. In auto_settler_do_goto(), it has been simply replaced by CHECK_MAP_POS. Here I've scanned all the calls to the function, and it looks like they should all pass Good coordinates. Again there have been no failed assertions in my autogames.

Note that Ross's corecleanups handle this incorrectly, as they call normalize_map_pos on the coordinates and ignore the return value (verboten! Ross, you should know better!). This will result in unpredictible behavior if non-real coordinates are ever passed in; most likely (and hopefully) a failed CHECK_MAP_POS check later on when the coordinates are actually used.

Technically, checking for an unreal case should always be done as part
of any normalize_map_pos(). But since the interface to this function requires real coordinates in the corecleanups, in much the same way that you now make all function interfaces require normal ones, the callers understand that passing unreal coordinates is bad.

This is the reverse of the argument you made up above! You will end up with invalid coordinates that may not be caught later, pointers into random memory, etc., etc. The only difference is that it depends on a hard rather than a soft condition, but once it happens that won't be much consolation...

What I'm saying is that the return value of normalize_map_pos should _never_ be ignored. If you assume the coordinates you're given are real, you should check this with an
  is_real = normalize_map_pos(&x, &y);

Callers used to pass unnormal ones though, which is a soft condition that
can always be fixed. In this case normalize_map_pos() is guaranteed to fix things and doesn't need to be checked.

So is CHECK_MAP_POS, if we implement it that way. But as long as the soft condition is met we will be safe.

Again, if we implemented CHECK_MAP_POS as:

#ifdef DEBUG
# define CHECK_MAP_POS(x, y) assert(is_normal_map_pos(x, y))
# define CHECK_MAP_POS(x, y)
    if (!normalize_map_pos(&x, &y)) {
      nearest_real_pos(&x, &y);

Then we'll have exactly the same effective code, plus the additional assertion to help us catch bugs, and it will be uniform throughout.

This was considered when CHECK_MAP_POS was first implemented, but it requires the arguments to all be valid & operands which wasn't the case at that time. Predictably, the places where this wasn't the case quickly failed the check and have been removed, so it should be safe to write it like this now. It's a choice between speed and safety - you can't have both.

There was an extensive test period for realness fixes and fair amount
of code scrutiny at one point before the corecleanups were distributed
publicly and there has been a much longer settling time for these
things there.

In that case the assertion definitely shouldn't fail - all the more reason to put it in :-).

Someday, maybe you will understand this all fully, and recognize when
trying to score points will backfire :-).

It would be nice though if we could just cleanup the code, rather than play games about who is better qualified to do it :-).

I'm just explaining why my implementation differs from the corecleanups.

If this patch is applied, the only remaining nearest_real_pos use will be in map_pos_to_canvas_pos in mapview_common. If one of these places does need to use nearest_real_pos (which seems inconceivable), a comment should be added explaining why.

If this function returns status, and get_canvas_xy propagates this to
its callers who then deal with the situation, this one can go.

Unfortunately no, since the only way the callers can deal with it is to call nearest_real_pos. We can let it go if we agree to give up the functionality it provides.

Can't nearest_real_pos then be moved into mapview_common? So nobody
can use this "dangerous tool". However this would spread topology
knowledge (which is also bad). What about just ignoring clicks which
are outside the map?

Better fix this case, then let it join map_adjust_y() and SAFE_MAPSTEP
in the bit bucket.

map_adjust_y is almost gone, and SAFE_MAPSTEP can be implemented locally (i.e. moved to tilespec.c). Only nearest_real_pos provides functionality that isn't availibe outside the topology backend.


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