Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2002:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: new natural names patch (PR#1127)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: new natural names patch (PR#1127)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: new natural names patch (PR#1127)
From: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 18:35:15 -0800 (PST)

Raimar Falke wrote:

On Sat, Dec 22, 2001 at 12:31:31PM -0800, jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

diff -u -r1.7 nation.h
--- common/nation.h     2001/12/06 11:59:03     1.7
+++ common/nation.h     2001/12/22 20:22:14
@@ -27,6 +27,28 @@

+ * The city_name structure holds information about a default choice for
+ * the city name.  The "name" field is, of course, just the name for
+ * the city.  The "value" is the priority rating of this name - lower
+ * priority cities will show up sooner.  The "river" and "terrain" fields
+ * are entries recording whether the terrain is present near the city -
+ * we give higher priority to cities which have matching terrain.  In the
+ * case of a river we only care if the city is _on_ the river, for other
+ * terrain features we give the bonus if the city is close to the
+ * terrain.  Both of these entries may hold a value of 0 (no preference),
+ * 1 (city likes the terrain), or -1 (city doesn't like the terrain).

Either make the three values fix via enum or DEFINE or allow a wider
range (2 stands for really like it and 10 for really really like it).

+Searches through a city name list (a struct city_name array)
+to pick the best available city name, and returns a pointer to
+it.  The function uses its own internal algorithm to prioritize
+the city names; this algorithm need not always return the same
+name when given the same list.  If the list has no valid
+entries in it, NULL will be returned.
+static char *search_for_city_name(int x, int y, struct city_name *city_names)
+  struct city_name *choice;
+  int best_value = -1, goodness;
+  char* best_name = NULL;
+  for (choice = city_names; choice->name; choice++) {
+    if (!game_find_city_by_name(choice->name)) {
+      /* Lower values are better. */
+      int value = choice->value, type;
+      /* We do a little randomizing of our own. */
+      value *= 10 + myrand(5);

Why 10? Why 5? E.g. what range does value have?

The whole formula thing is pretty fuzzy.

- City priorities are initialized to 10, 11, 12, ..., n+9
- Value is multiplied by 10. This is just to avoid rounding problems; similar to what freeciv does in combat calculations.
- myrand(5) is added.  This is just a very small random factor.
- Any additional terrain factors are multiplied/divided out. I though a matching terrain should be about twice as good as a non-matching terrain, which is where the 1.4 comes from.

Unless someone has a better idea for the formula, the only thing I think needs changing is that I'll initialize the priorities to 1,2,3,...,n+10 and then add on 9 or 10 in the calculation. This will move everything into the calculation function. I may also separate the calculation out into it's own function, and I will in any case add a comment about the fuzziness. Later we can fine-tune the calculation, but it really doesn't matter too much.

+  This strips leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
+  Surely this capability is provided by some other source???

You were lazy. Weren't you. common/shared.c:remove_leading_trailing_space

So it appears...

+  This function loads a city name list from a section file.  The file and
+  two section names (which will be concatenated) are passed in.  The
+  malloc'ed city name list (which is all filled out) will be returned.
+static struct city_name* load_city_name_list(struct section_file *file,
+                                            char *secfile_str1,
+                                            char *secfile_str2)
+  char **cities;
+  int dim, j;
+  struct city_name *city_names;
+  int value;
+  /* First we read the strings from the section file. */
+  cities = secfile_lookup_str_vec(file, &dim, "%s%s",
+                                 secfile_str1, secfile_str2);
+  /*
+   * Now we allocate enough room in the city_names array to store
+   * all the name data.  The array is NULL-terminated by
+   * having a NULL name at the end.
+   */
+  city_names = fc_calloc(dim + 1, sizeof(struct city_name));
+  city_names[dim].name = NULL;
+  /*
+   * Each string will be of the form
+   * "<cityname> (<label>, <label>, ...)".  The cityname is just the
+   * name for this city, while each "label" matches a terrain type
+   * for the city (or "river"), with a preceeding ! to negate it.  The


This need updating

+   * parentheses are optional (but necessary to have the settings, of
+   * course).  Our job is now to parse this into the city_name structure.
+   */
+  for (j = 0, value=10; j < dim; j++, value++) {

Why 10?

Again, it's fuzzy. And it means each new city has a 10% increase (arithmetic, not geometric), which seems to work okay. As I said, I'll move this out of the initialization and into the calculation step.

+    /* TODO: handle this more succinctly. */
+    char *name = cities[j], *next;
+    /*
+     * We assign a "base value" to each city based upon its
+     * position in the list.  We arbitrarily start at 10 and
+     * count up - higher values mean lower priority, meaning
+     * the name is less likely to be picked later.
+     */
+    city_names[j].value = value;
+    /*
+     * Now we wish to determine values for all of the city labels.
+     * A value of 0 means no preference (which is necessary so that
+     * the use of this is optional); -1 means the label is negated
+     * and 1 means it's labelled.  Mostly the parsing just involves
+     * a lot of ugly string handling...
+     */

+    memset(&city_names[j].terrain[0], 0,
+          T_COUNT * sizeof(city_names[j].terrain[0]));

If somewhere is a
is used you can't use the memset.

I don't quite understand.

+       if (next)
+         *next = 0;

Extra {} here and in some other places.


+       strip_space(name);
+       for (i=0; name[i]; i++)
+         name[i] = tolower(name[i]);
+       /*
+        * The ! is used to mark a negative, which is recorded
+        * with a -1.  Otherwise we use a 1.  '-' and '~' have
+        * the same meaning.
+        */
+       if (*name == '!' || *name == '-' || *name == '~') {
+         name++;
+         setting = -1;
+       }

I would prefer that the "setting = 1" is above the "if" or in an

+       /*
+        * We used to have "coastal" as a special case along
+        * with river, but this is unnecessary since we
+        * also have the "ocean" terrain type.
+        */

Remove this.

+       if (!strcmp(name, "river")) {
+         city_names[j].river = setting;
+       } else {
+         /* "handled" tracks whether we find a match (for error handling) */
+         int handled = 0;
+         enum tile_terrain_type type;
+         for (type = T_FIRST; type < T_COUNT && !handled; type++) {
+           int k;
+           char namebuf[MAX_LEN_NAME];
+            /*
+             * Note that at this time (before a call to
+             * translate_data_names) the terrain_name fields contains an
+             * untranslated string. Note that name of T_RIVER is "". However
+             * this is not a problem because we take care of rivers
+             * separately.
+             */

+            mystrlcpy(namebuf, tile_types[type].terrain_name,
+               sizeof(tile_types[type].terrain_name));
+           /* transform to lower case */
+           for (k = 0; k < strlen(namebuf); k++) {
+             namebuf[k] = tolower(namebuf[k]);
+           }

Doing this transformation for every city in every nation seems
sub-optimal. Although I don't suspect a performance difference the
reader wonders why this is done every time.

Indeed. On the other hand, caching the value would require code that was much less localized, so it'd make things less clear IMO. One solution might be to drop the tolower() stuff altogether and say that the terrain description in the ruleset must match what the game has. This might be more "correct" since the game could theoretically have "Ocean" and "ocean" as two different terrain names (although this would be ludicrous).

Also, I think we should make naturalcitynames a server variable, since it'll be easy to disable the functionality. I haven't done this yet, though.

New patch attached.  I haven't tested it much since making the changes.


Index: common/nation.h
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/common/nation.h,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 nation.h
--- common/nation.h     2001/12/25 23:58:12     1.8
+++ common/nation.h     2002/01/07 02:32:41
@@ -27,6 +27,28 @@
                    ADV_ATTITUDE, ADV_DOMESTIC, ADV_LAST};
+ * The city_name structure holds information about a default choice for
+ * the city name.  The "name" field is, of course, just the name for
+ * the city.  The "value" is the priority rating of this name - lower
+ * priority cities will show up sooner.  The "river" and "terrain" fields
+ * are entries recording whether the terrain is present near the city -
+ * we give higher priority to cities which have matching terrain.  In the
+ * case of a river we only care if the city is _on_ the river, for other
+ * terrain features we give the bonus if the city is close to the
+ * terrain.  Both of these entries may hold a value of 0 (no preference),
+ * 1 (city likes the terrain), or -1 (city doesn't like the terrain).
+ *
+ * This is controlled through the nation's ruleset like this:
+ *   cities = "Washington (ocean, river, swamp)", "New York (!mountains)"
+ */
+struct city_name {
+       char* name;
+       int value;
+       int river;
+       int terrain[T_COUNT];   
 struct nation_type {
   char name[MAX_LEN_NAME];
   char name_plural[MAX_LEN_NAME];
@@ -36,11 +58,7 @@
   char *leader_name[MAX_NUM_LEADERS];
   int  leader_is_male[MAX_NUM_LEADERS];
   int city_style;
-  char **default_city_names;
-  char **default_rcity_names;          /* river city names */
-  char **default_crcity_names;         /* coastal-river city names */
-  char **default_ccity_names;          /* coastal city names */
-  char **default_tcity_names[T_COUNT]; /* terrain-specific city names */
+  struct city_name *city_names;                /* The default city names. */
   struct Sprite *flag_sprite;
   /* untranslated copies: */
Index: server/citytools.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/server/citytools.c,v
retrieving revision 1.148
diff -u -r1.148 citytools.c
--- server/citytools.c  2001/12/11 16:48:48     1.148
+++ server/citytools.c  2002/01/07 02:32:44
@@ -52,13 +52,106 @@
 #include "citytools.h"
+static int evaluate_city_name_priority(int x, int y,
+                                      struct city_name *city_name);
+static char *search_for_city_name(int x, int y, struct city_name *city_names);
 static void server_set_tile_city(struct city *pcity, int city_x, int city_y,
                                 enum city_tile_type type);
-char **misc_city_names; 
-int num_misc_city_names;
+struct city_name *misc_city_names;
+Returns the priority of the city name at the given position,
+using its own internal algorithm.  The algorithm itself is
+quite fuzzy, and can easily be changed to get slightly
+different effects.
+static int evaluate_city_name_priority(int x, int y,
+                                      struct city_name *city_name)
+  /* Lower values are better. */
+  int value = city_name->value;
+  int type, goodness;
+  /*
+   * The city_name's value is on the scale 1..n.  We first put it to
+   * the scale we want: 10..n+9.
+   */
+  value += 10;
+  /*
+   * To avoid rounding problems, we multiply the value.
+   * we also do a little randomizing of our own.
+   */
+  value *= 10 + myrand(5);
+  /*
+   * Use a special name if the tile has a river or there
+   * is an available name depending on the terrain.
+   */
+  /*
+   * "terrain" is -1 if we don't have the terrain, 1 if  we do.
+   * "goodness" therefore becomes positive if we like the terrain,
+   * negative if we don't.  The integer values are just
+   * approximations, so...
+   *
+   * The reason we multiply as well as divide the value is so
+   * that cities that don't care what terrain they are on (which
+   * is the default) will be left in the middle of the pack.  If
+   * we _only_ multiplied (or divided), then cities that had more
+   * terrain labels would have their priorities hurt (or helped).
+   */
+  goodness = (map_get_special(x, y) & S_RIVER) ?
+             city_name->river : -city_name->river;
+  if (goodness > 0) {
+    value = (float)value / 1.4;
+  } else if (goodness < 0) {
+    value = (float)value * 1.4;
+  }
+  for (type = T_FIRST; type < T_COUNT; type++) {
+    goodness = is_terrain_near_tile(x, y, type) ?
+                city_name->terrain[type] : -city_name->terrain[type];
+    if (goodness > 0) {
+      value = (float)value / 1.4;
+    } else if (goodness < 0) {
+      value = (float)value * 1.4;
+    }
+  }
+  return value;        
+Searches through a city name list (a struct city_name array)
+to pick the best available city name, and returns a pointer to
+it.  The function checks if the city name is available and calls
+evaluate_city_name_priority to determine the priority of the
+city name.  If the list has no valid entries in it, NULL will be
+static char *search_for_city_name(int x, int y, struct city_name *city_names)
+  struct city_name *choice;
+  int best_value = -1;
+  char* best_name = NULL;
+  for (choice = city_names; choice->name; choice++) {
+    if (!game_find_city_by_name(choice->name)) {
+      int value = evaluate_city_name_priority(x, y, choice);
+      if (best_value == -1 || value < best_value) {
+        best_value = value;
+        best_name = choice->name;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return best_name;
 Come up with a default name when a new city is about to be built.
 Handle running out of names etc. gracefully.  Maybe we should keep
 track of which names have been rejected by the player, so that we do
@@ -69,9 +162,10 @@
 char *city_name_suggestion(struct player *pplayer, int x, int y)
-  char **nptr;
-  int i, j;
+  char *name;
+  int i;
   struct nation_type *nation = get_nation_by_plr(pplayer);
+  /* tempname must be static because it's returned below. */
   static char tempname[MAX_LEN_NAME];
   static const int num_tiles = MAP_MAX_WIDTH * MAP_MAX_HEIGHT; 
@@ -81,62 +175,22 @@
-#define SEARCH_AND_RETURN_CITY_NAME(list)   \
-    for(nptr=list; *nptr; nptr++) {         \
-      if(!game_find_city_by_name(*nptr)) {  \
-        return *nptr;                       \
-      }                                     \
-    }
-  /* 
-   * Use a special name if the tile has a river, is coastal or there
-   * is an available name depending on the terrain.
-   */ 
-  /* deal with rivers */
-  if (map_get_special(x, y) & S_RIVER) {
-    if (is_terrain_near_tile(x, y, T_OCEAN)) {
-      /* coastal river */
-      SEARCH_AND_RETURN_CITY_NAME(nation->default_crcity_names);
-    } else {
-      /* non-coastal river */
-      SEARCH_AND_RETURN_CITY_NAME(nation->default_rcity_names);
-    }
-  }
   /* coastal */
-  if (is_terrain_near_tile(x, y, T_OCEAN)) {
-    SEARCH_AND_RETURN_CITY_NAME(nation->default_ccity_names);
-  }
-  /* check terrain type */
-                             default_tcity_names[map_get_terrain(x, y)]);
+  name = search_for_city_name(x, y, nation->city_names);
+  if (name)
+    return name;
+  name = search_for_city_name(x, y, misc_city_names);
+  if (name)
+    return name;
-  /* we haven't found a name: it's a normal tile or they're all used */
-  SEARCH_AND_RETURN_CITY_NAME(nation->default_city_names);
-  if (num_misc_city_names > 0) {
-    j = myrand(num_misc_city_names);
-    for (i = 0; i < num_misc_city_names; i++) {
-      if (j >= num_misc_city_names) {
-       j = 0;
-      }
-      if (!game_find_city_by_name(misc_city_names[j])) 
-       return misc_city_names[j];
-      j++;
-    }
-  }
   for (i = 1; i <= num_tiles; i++ ) {
     my_snprintf(tempname, MAX_LEN_NAME, _("City no. %d"), i);
-    if (!game_find_city_by_name(tempname)) 
-      return tempname;
+    if (!game_find_city_by_name(tempname))
+      return (tempname);
+  assert(0);
   return _("A poorly-named city");
Index: server/citytools.h
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/server/citytools.h,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -u -r1.33 citytools.h
--- server/citytools.h  2001/12/06 11:59:07     1.33
+++ server/citytools.h  2002/01/07 02:32:44
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "packets.h"
 #include "city.h"
+#include "nation.h" /* for struct city_name */
 #define FOOD_WEIGHTING 19
@@ -81,8 +82,7 @@
                         int target, int is_unit, int event);
 char *city_name_suggestion(struct player *pplayer, int x, int y);
-extern char **misc_city_names; 
-extern int num_misc_city_names;
+extern struct city_name *misc_city_names;
 int city_can_work_tile(struct city *pcity, int city_x, int city_y);
Index: server/ruleset.c
RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/server/ruleset.c,v
retrieving revision 1.83
diff -u -r1.83 ruleset.c
--- server/ruleset.c    2001/12/06 11:59:07     1.83
+++ server/ruleset.c    2002/01/07 02:32:50
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
 #include "nation.h"
 #include "packets.h"
 #include "registry.h"
+#include "shared.h"
 #include "support.h"
 #include "tech.h"
 #include "unit.h"
 #include "citytools.h"
 #include "ruleset.h"
 static const char name_too_long[] = "Name \"%s\" too long; truncating.";
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
 static void load_terrain_names(struct section_file *file);
 static void load_citystyle_names(struct section_file *file);
 static void load_nation_names(struct section_file *file);
+static struct city_name* load_city_name_list(struct section_file *file, char 
*secfile_str1, char *secfile_str2);
 static void load_ruleset_techs(struct section_file *file);
 static void load_ruleset_units(struct section_file *file);
@@ -1791,6 +1792,157 @@
+  This function loads a city name list from a section file.  The file and
+  two section names (which will be concatenated) are passed in.  The
+  malloc'ed city name list (which is all filled out) will be returned.
+static struct city_name* load_city_name_list(struct section_file *file,
+                                            char *secfile_str1,
+                                            char *secfile_str2)
+  char **cities;
+  int dim, j;
+  struct city_name *city_names;
+  int value;
+  /* First we read the strings from the section file. */
+  cities = secfile_lookup_str_vec(file, &dim, "%s%s",
+                                 secfile_str1, secfile_str2);
+  /*
+   * Now we allocate enough room in the city_names array to store
+   * all the name data.  The array is NULL-terminated by
+   * having a NULL name at the end.
+   */
+  city_names = fc_calloc(dim + 1, sizeof(struct city_name));
+  city_names[dim].name = NULL;
+  /*
+   * Each string will be of the form
+   * "<cityname> (<label>, <label>, ...)".  The cityname is just the
+   * name for this city, while each "label" matches a terrain type
+   * for the city (or "river"), with a preceeding !, -, or ~ to negate
+   * it.  The parentheses are optional (but necessary to have the
+   * settings, of course).  Our job is now to parse this into the
+   * city_name structure.
+   */
+  for (j = 0, value=1; j < dim; j++, value++) {
+    /* This whole thing should be handled more succinctly. */
+    char *name = cities[j], *next;
+    /*
+     * We assign a "base value" to each city based upon its
+     * position in the list.  We start at 1 and count up -
+     * higher values mean lower priority, meaning
+     * the name is less likely to be picked later.
+     */
+    city_names[j].value = value;
+    /*
+     * Now we wish to determine values for all of the city labels.
+     * A value of 0 means no preference (which is necessary so that
+     * the use of this is optional); -1 means the label is negated
+     * and 1 means it's labelled.  Mostly the parsing just involves
+     * a lot of ugly string handling...
+     */
+    memset(&city_names[j].terrain[0], 0,
+          T_COUNT * sizeof(city_names[j].terrain[0]));
+    city_names[j].river = 0;
+    name = strchr(name, '(');
+    if (name) {
+      /*
+       * 0-terminate the original string, then find the
+       * close-parenthesis so that we can make sure we stop there.
+       */
+      *name = 0;
+      name++;
+      next = strchr(name, ')');
+      assert(next);
+      *next = 0;
+      /* Handle the labels one at a time. */
+      do {
+        int setting, i;
+       next = strchr(name, ',');
+       if (next) {
+         *next = 0;
+       }
+       remove_leading_trailing_spaces(name);
+       for (i=0; name[i]; i++) {
+         name[i] = tolower(name[i]);
+       }
+       /*
+        * The ! is used to mark a negative, which is recorded
+        * with a -1.  Otherwise we use a 1.  '-' and '~' have
+        * the same meaning.
+        */
+       if (*name == '!' || *name == '-' || *name == '~') {
+         name++;
+         setting = -1;
+       } else {
+         setting = 1;
+       }
+       if (!strcmp(name, "river")) {
+         city_names[j].river = setting;
+       } else {
+         /* "handled" tracks whether we find a match (for error handling) */
+         int handled = 0;
+         enum tile_terrain_type type;
+         for (type = T_FIRST; type < T_COUNT && !handled; type++) {
+           int k;
+           char namebuf[MAX_LEN_NAME];
+            /*
+             * Note that at this time (before a call to
+             * translate_data_names) the terrain_name fields contains an
+             * untranslated string. Note that name of T_RIVER is "". However
+             * this is not a problem because we take care of rivers
+             * separately.
+             */
+            mystrlcpy(namebuf, tile_types[type].terrain_name,
+               sizeof(tile_types[type].terrain_name));
+           /* transform to lower case */
+           for (k = 0; k < strlen(namebuf); k++) {
+             namebuf[k] = tolower(namebuf[k]);
+           }
+           if (!strcmp(name, namebuf)) {
+             city_names[j].terrain[type] = setting;
+             handled = 1;
+           }
+         }
+         if (!handled) {
+           freelog(LOG_ERROR, "Unreadable terrain description %s "
+                   "in city name ruleset \"%s%s\" - skipping it.",
+                   name, secfile_str1, secfile_str2);
+           assert(0);
+         }
+       }
+       name = next ? next+1 : NULL;
+      } while (name && *name);
+    }
+    remove_leading_trailing_spaces(cities[j]);
+    city_names[j].name = mystrdup(cities[j]);
+    if (check_name(city_names[j].name)) {
+      freelog(LOG_ERROR, "City name %s in ruleset for %s%s is too long "
+             "- shortening it.",
+              city_names[j].name, secfile_str1, secfile_str2);
+      assert(0);
+      city_names[j].name[MAX_LEN_NAME - 1] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if (cities) {
+    free(cities);
+  }
+  return city_names;
 Load nations.ruleset file
 static void load_ruleset_nations(struct section_file *file)
@@ -1800,9 +1952,8 @@
   struct government *gov;
   int *res, dim, val, i, j, nval;
   char temp_name[MAX_LEN_NAME];
-  char **cities, **techs, **leaders, **sec;
+  char **techs, **leaders, **sec;
   const char *filename = secfile_filename(file);
-  enum tile_terrain_type type;
   datafile_options = check_ruleset_capabilities(file, "+1.9", filename);
@@ -2010,72 +2161,13 @@
     pl->goals.government = val;
-#define BASE_READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(target,format,arg1,arg2,arg3)  \
-  cities = secfile_lookup_str_vec(file, &dim, format,           \
-                                  arg1, arg2, arg3);            \
-  target = fc_calloc(dim + 1, sizeof(char *));                  \
-  target[dim] = NULL;                                           \
-  for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) {                                   \
-    target[j] = mystrdup(cities[j]);                            \
-    if (check_name(cities[j])) {                                \
-      target[j][MAX_LEN_NAME - 1] = 0;                          \
-    }                                                           \
-  }                                                             \
-  if (cities) {                                                 \
-    free(cities);                                               \
-  }
-#define READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(target_field,format,arg)            \
-  BASE_READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(pl->target_field, "%s." format "%s", \
-                           sec[i], arg, "cities")
     /* read "normal" city names */
-    READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(default_city_names, "%s", "");
-    /* read river city names */
-    READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(default_rcity_names, "%s", "river_");
-    /* read coastal-river city names */
-    READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(default_crcity_names, "%s","coastal_river_");
-    /* read coastal city names */
-    READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(default_ccity_names, "%s", "coastal_");
-    /* 
-     * Read terrain-specific city names. 
-     */    
-    for (type = T_FIRST; type < T_COUNT; type++) {
-      int k;
-      char namebuf[MAX_LEN_NAME];
-      /*
-       * Note that at this time (before a call to
-       * translate_data_names) the terrain_name fields contains an
-       * untranslated string. Note that name of T_RIVER is "". However
-       * this is not a problem because we take care of this using
-       * default_rcity_names.
-       */
-      mystrlcpy(namebuf, tile_types[type].terrain_name,
-               sizeof(tile_types[type].terrain_name));
-      /* transform to lower case */
-      for (k = 0; k < strlen(namebuf); k++) {
-       namebuf[k] = tolower(namebuf[k]);
-      }
-      READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(default_tcity_names[type], "%s_", namebuf);
-    }
+    pl->city_names = load_city_name_list(file, sec[i], ".cities");
   /* read miscellaneous city names */
-  BASE_READ_CITY_NAME_LIST(misc_city_names, "misc.cities%s%s%s", "", "",
-                          "");
-  /* dim is set in BASE_READ_CITY_NAME_LIST */
-  num_misc_city_names = dim;
+  misc_city_names = load_city_name_list(file, "misc.cities", "");
   section_file_check_unused(file, filename);

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