Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: October 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Remove map_adjust_[xy] invocations from server (PR#1

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Remove map_adjust_[xy] invocations from server (PR#1

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To: jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Remove map_adjust_[xy] invocations from server (PR#1003)
From: "Ross W. Wetmore" <rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 21:49:54 -0400

At 05:18 AM 01/10/12 -0400, Jason Dorje Short wrote:
>Raimar Falke wrote:
>[snip: uses of is_real_tile, normalize_map_pos, etc.]
>> I plan to propose something like this:
>>  - there is a CHECK_MAP_POS(x,y) == assert(is_normal_map_pos(x,y));
>>  - every "assert(is_real_tile(x,y));normalize_map_pos(x,y)" is
>>  replaced by CHECK_MAP_POS
>>  - there is an extra check (if(!is_normal_map_pos(x,y)){y=x/0;})
>>  introduced in map_inx

As far as I am aware, is_normal_map_pos() is not the same thing as
is_real_tile(). It tests for normalized and not realness which are 
different concepts that you really need to keep straight.

Some of Jason's cases are just a check for normalized, and that is what
his macro is designed to do. This does not mean Raimar should break the
code everywhere by replacing the is_real_tile(), normalize_map_pos()
constructs used elsewhere.

So if you add this macro do it with the right check, and document so
carefully that idiots cannot misunderstand what it does.

If you need a second macro, then make it and document it in the same
>1.  I do not see the logic of forcing a crash when not in debugging
>mode.  Presumably people playing the game in this stage would appreciate
>it if we did everything possible to avoid crashes.  For the "extra
>check", why not have something like this:
>if(!is_normal_map_pos(x, y)) {
>  assert(0);
>  freelog(...);
>  nearest_real_pos(&x, &y);

Please add BIG BAD COMMENTS to explain that this is a GROSS HACK to keep
playing in the face of a SEVERE PROGRAMMING ERROR that is not yet fixed.

Note it may seriously damage gameplay, as any illegal game coordinate
transformation is liable to do.

But I think you want to use normalize_map_pos() here to safely continue
because if you were concerned about coordinates that might be unreal
and hence need some gross hackery, then you should have tested with

Seriously, are you checking for unreal or just unnormalized coordinates?

>2.  None of this is a reason not to go ahead with this patch.  This
>replaces one set of imperfect code with another set, but at least the
          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ make this clear
>new set uses the desired code constructs (i.e. normalize_map_pos instead
>of map_adjust_x()).
>Either way, I'm willing to come up with a patch that makes the checks we
>decide on (although fixing the code to use them everywhere will take
>more work).  Let me know what you want.

Actually, I think you got the right fix a few emails later. It used
normalize_map_pos() in the test and nearest_real_pos() in the fail clause
which is at least consistent.

But this should still be documenteed as a GROS HACK as above :-). 


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