Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Your server asked that I report this... ;> (PR#893)

[Freeciv-Dev] Your server asked that I report this... ;> (PR#893)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Your server asked that I report this... ;> (PR#893)
From: nihimon@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 09:50:46 -0700 (PDT)

Full_Name: Matt Knowles
Version: 1.11.4
Distribution: Redhat binary
Client: Both (or N/A)
OS: Linux (Red Hat 7.1)
Submission from: (NULL) (

0: The server appears to have gotten into an infinite loop in the allocation of
starting positions, and will abort.
Please report this bug at

More detail...

Option        value   (min,max)      description
xsize         + 200   (40,200)       Map width in squares
ysize         + 100   (25,100)       Map height in squares
generator     + 4     (1,4)          Method used to generate map
landmass      + 60    (15,85)        Amount of land vs ocean
mountains     +=30    (10,100)       Amount of hills/mountains
rivers        + 140   (0,1000)       Amount of river squares
grass         + 30    (20,100)       Amount of grass squares
forests       + 12    (0,100)        Amount of forest squares
swamps        + 2     (0,100)        Amount of swamp squares
deserts       + 1     (0,100)        Amount of desert squares
seed          +=0     (0,2147483647) Map generation random seed
randseed      +=0     (0,2147483647) General random seed
specials      + 144   (0,1000)       Amount of "special" resource squares
huts          + 144   (0,500)        Amount of huts (minor tribe villages)
minplayers    +=1     (1,30)         Minimum number of players
maxplayers    +=30    (1,30)         Maximum number of players
aifill        + 7     (0,30)         Number of players to fill to with AI's
settlers      +=2     (1,10)         Number of initial settlers per player
explorer      +=1     (0,10)         Number of initial explorers per player
dispersion    + 10    (0,10)         Area where initial units are located
gold          +=50    (0,5000)       Starting gold per player
techlevel     + 1     (0,50)         Number of initial advances per player
techs         +="default"            Data subdir containing techs.ruleset
governments   +="default"            Data subdir containing governments.ruleset
units         +="default"            Data subdir containing units.ruleset
buildings     +="default"            Data subdir containing buildings.ruleset
terrain       +="default"            Data subdir containing terrain.ruleset
nations       +="default"            Data subdir containing nations.ruleset
cities        +="default"            Data subdir containing cities.ruleset
game          +="default"            Data subdir containing game.ruleset
researchspeed +=10    (4,100)        Points required to gain a new advance
techpenalty   +=100   (0,100)        Percentage penalty when changing tech
diplcost      +=0     (0,100)        Penalty when getting tech from treaty
conquercost   +=0     (0,100)        Penalty when getting tech from conquering
freecost      +=0     (0,100)        Penalty when getting a free tech
foodbox       +=10    (5,30)         Food required for a city to grow
aqueductloss  +=0     (0,100)        Percentage food lost when need aqueduct
unhappysize   + 2     (1,6)          City size before people become unhappy
cityfactor    +=14    (6,100)        Number of cities for higher unhappiness
razechance    +=20    (0,100)        Chance for conquered building destruction
civstyle      +=2     (1,2)          Style of Civ rules
occupychance  + 20    (0,100)        Chance of moving into tile after attack
killcitizen   +=1     (0,15)         Reduce city population after attack
barbarians    + 4     (0,4)          Barbarian appearance frequency
onsetbarbs    +=-2000 (-4000,5000)   Barbarian onset year
fogofwar      +=1     (0,1)          Whether to enable fog of war
diplchance    +=80    (1,99)         Chance in diplomat/spy contests
spacerace     +=1     (0,1)          Whether to allow space race
civilwarsize  +=10    (6,1000)       Minimum number of cities for civil war
autotoggle    +=0     (0,1)          Whether AI-status toggles with connection
endyear       +=2000  (-4000,5000)   Year the game ends
timeout       +=0     (0,8639999)    Maximum seconds per turn
turnblock     +=0     (0,1)          Turn-blocking game play mode
fixedlength   +=0     (0,1)          Fixed-length turns play mode
demography    +="NASRLPEMOqrb"       What is in the Demographics report
saveturns     +=10    (0,200)        Turns per auto-save
compress      +=6     (0,9)          Savegame compression level
scorelog      +=0     (0,1)          Whether to log player statistics
gamelog       +=20    (0,40)         Detail level for logging game events
> set autotoggle 1
Option: autotoggle has been set to 1.
> set endyear 5000
Option: endyear has been set to 5000.
> write /tmp/civserveropts
> start
Starting game.
1: Loading rulesets
1: Nihimon is the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar.
1: Beatrix has been added as an AI-controlled player.
1: AI is controlling the Dutch ruled by Beatrix.
Beatrix is now easy.
1: Alexander has been added as an AI-controlled player.
1: AI is controlling the Greeks ruled by Alexander.
Alexander is now easy.
1: Harald has been added as an AI-controlled player.
1: AI is controlling the Vikings ruled by Harald.
Harald is now easy.
1: Ogodei has been added as an AI-controlled player.
1: AI is controlling the Mongols ruled by Ogodei.
Ogodei is now easy.
1: Robert Menzies has been added as an AI-controlled player.
1: AI is controlling the Australians ruled by Robert Menzies.
Robert Menzies is now easy.
1: Louis XIV has been added as an AI-controlled player.
1: AI is controlling the French ruled by Louis XIV.
Louis XIV is now easy.
1: High landmass - this may take a few seconds.
0: The server appears to have gotten into an infinite loop in the allocation of
starting positions, and will abort.
Please report this bug at
Aborted (core dumped)

I would attach the core dump, but there's not a button to do such things...


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  • [Freeciv-Dev] Your server asked that I report this... ;> (PR#893), nihimon <=