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[Freeciv-Dev] patch implementing a watchtower

[Freeciv-Dev] patch implementing a watchtower

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] patch implementing a watchtower
From: Bert Buchholz <bertbuchholz@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 23:26:37 +0200


I'm new to cvs (not to freeciv) so I hope, I did everything correctly.
BTW: This is my first patch at all, so please tell me if I've done
something wrong.

This patch implements a watchtower (currently only for the
default-rulesets and hires-tileset and the gtk-gui -> the stuff I'm

The watchtower can be built by settlers a soon as you have invented
feudalism (rule in default/tech.ruleset). Well, this is more a dummy,
because watchtowers where there much earlier and the required tech
should be changed to something more sensible.

The watchtower increases visual range to 2 (not by 2!), as long as a
unit stays in the watchtower, meaning the tile of the watchtower. The
watchtower is made as an infrastructure like the fortress.

  The watchtower is the W in the middle, n is the normal visionrange of
  most units. If a unit steps onto the <W>atchtower, the visionrange is
  increased so that tiles marked with x become visible/unfogged. As soon
  as all units have left the watchtower-tile, the visionrange is
  decreased to normal and the tiles are fogged. Hmm, well, just give it
  a try, you gonna see :-)

Watchtowers cannot be built on cities.
I did not do any translational stuff.
I made some quick sprites for the watchtower itself (very ugly, I can do
better :-), and a <T> for the settler, signalling that it's currently
building a watchtower.

The patch is made with $cvs diff -u > patchfile at 22:30 August 8th 2001
As I said before, I'm not sure about cvs yet, so if there's missing
anything, tell me!

So, that's that from me, I hope the patch worx and you enjoy it,

Bert Buchholz

Attachment: watchtower_cvs.diff.gz
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