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[Freeciv-Dev] revised Civ strategy

[Freeciv-Dev] revised Civ strategy

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To: <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] revised Civ strategy
From: Maciej Czapkiewicz <geczapki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 23:03:29 +0100 (MET)

Luis Palma on Thu, 11 Jan 2001 05:11:02 -0600 (CST) :

> On the other hand, if it is not too hard, some server(s) could be set up
> the more "advanced" or "challenge-oriented" players...

Seems, that low max-single-rate (40% for despotism, 50% for monarchy...),
is a pretty good idea for experienced users.
It is eliminating unstability of small-pox effect
(you can still build quick big number of small cities,
and it is usefull, but you must also develop big
cities). I added 50% of science output for Palace
(this is usueally eliminating 0 science speed,
and make capital city more important).

On the other hand, standard science level is designed for
average player, but for advanced players it is boring -
you have new units before you can use obsoletes one's ;-)

Smaller max science rate is forcing more advanced
strategy: instead of just setting main science goal,
you must take carry on techs order (for example,
tech goal is Navigation, but you should discover mathematics
before seafaring - if you want to feel safe :-)
Of course, advanced strategy task would be hard
in typical multiplayer "deathmatch" with 60s timeout,
but for slow-game it would be nice.

I want to run such slow-game (24h timeout)
server with those improved rules.
BTW, I created two new units -
cart (req. Wheel) with transport_cap=2
and Truck (req. combustion) with transport_cap=4.
This side effect work nice! It is usefull for
faster movement of slow or wounded units.
You can also use it for grouping those
messy units during allocation.
I will put link to the new tileset, when it will be
ready (Is anyone using those engels tileset,
or only trident?)
Of course, those units are not umballancing game, if they
are have medium speed.
For example, cart unit have movements points 2,
then horsemens have 3 (yes yes, I increased movement
points and viev range for most of units, this is because
I want to play slow-game on rather big map
(100x80), and don't want to waste whole month
moving unit from shore to shore.
Of course those rules will redefine Civ strategy,
I'm now testing and balancing it
(for example, ZOC are not so important as they were before).


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