Mailing Lists:
September 2000: [Freeciv-Dev] packet_remove_unit patches |
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[Freeciv-Dev] packet_remove_unit patches[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index] [Thread Index]
Send packet_remove_unit only to those clients where unit currently exists. Server sends packet_remove_unit always when client should remove unit. Reason for first patch: Currently modified client knows that until server sends packet_remove_unit, unit (which client once saw) is still alive. Second patch is IMO cleaner way than current one to handle unit removal when they enter into fogged area etc. This approach also gives more control to server side. I see no reason to use capabilities to skip obsolete parts of client side code. Those obsolete parts should be removed after compatibility break. This second patch goes on top of packet_enemy_unit.diff. First one should work both with and without packet_enemy_unit.diff. Caz --