Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Unit models (More complex unit and battle system)

[Freeciv-Dev] Unit models (More complex unit and battle system)

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Unit models (More complex unit and battle system)
From: Martin Olveyra <bj0v@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 02:22:06 -0300
Reply-to: bj0v@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I am taking special attention in the e-mail series "more complex unit and
battle system". Some discussed points give me some extra ideas.

A complement for adding unit experience, more progressive unit types
(light armor, heavy armor, etc) and unit names (See very nice ideas in the
xconq project All of this is implemented.
Source is free) is to add "improved units" (this idea is mine, i mean not
implemented in xconq). That means, the first times a given unit type is builded,
it has an inicial "sophistication points" (may be a better name for this) equal
to zero. After some time, the new builded units of this type are emitted with a
greater sofistication point, and so on. This is more close to reality (models
evolve). This can be implemented joined to a subtype naming system. That means,
the first time a unit of a given type is builded, you can assign a model name
and number (for example "T-2"). Automatically, any time the unit subtype
(model) is improved (so the following units of that type are emitted with a
greater sophistication degree) the computer assigns automatically a greater
number for the model (for example "T-3"), so you can easily identify the
improved units.

May be when I had time I can dedicate some time to implement this ideas and
those exposed in this discussion series. But I had some promised work that (due
to lack of time) I couldnt implement yet. One is killstack as a ruleset (I saw
that anybody liked my patch that implements killstack as server option :-( )
and the other is to add the possibility of having arbitrary number and kind of


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