Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] classes.ruleset version 3 plus class_processor

[Freeciv-Dev] classes.ruleset version 3 plus class_processor

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To: Freeciv Developement list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Freeciv data list <freeciv-data@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] classes.ruleset version 3 plus class_processor
From: Tomasz Wegrzanowski <maniek@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 22:08:11 +0200

Here is classes.ruleset with new classes : indian_ocean, pacific, atlantic,
baltic_sea and arctic (with less countries tha Robert proposed).

Also attached are:

classes_reverse, which takes classes.ruleset at stdin
and output at stdout :
class1          nation1 nation2 nation3
class2          nation4 nation5 nation6

class_processor, which opens ./classes.ruleset to read classification,
and takes request on @ARGV (as parameters), and outputs on stdout
ready-to-use nations.ruleset.
Generated ruleset includes barbarians, misc_cities, metadata and comments
cut&pasted from real nations.ruleset.

Example :
$ ./classes_processor 'europe & latinate + ( africa - black )'
; File generated in answer to request ``europe & latinate + ( africa - black )''

description="Nations data for Freeciv, europe & latinate + ( africa - black )"

; Below: nations data in sections [nation_*] for
; all nations available. If you want to have more
; nations just add one at the end. There is a maximum
; of 63 nations however. I hope it is enough :-)
; Notes:
; name          = name of the nation
; plural        = plural form of the nation name (use "?plural:" qualifier)
; leader        = default leader names for the nation
; leader_sex    = sex of each default leader: "Male" or "Female"
; flag          = string to look for in client tilespec files for
;                 preferred flag icon
; flag_alt      = alternate flag icon string, or "-"
; Next are some hints for AI, as defined in struct player_race
; Ask the guy who designed this struct for more explanation :-)
; AFAIK some of them are not implemented yet.
; attack        = c 0 = optimize for food, 2 =  optimize for prod
;                 c0 = large amount of buildings, 2 = units
; expand        = c0 = transform first ,  2 = build cities first
; civilized     = c 0 = do not use nukes,  2 = use nukes, lots of pollution
; advisors      = some kind of advisors, not implemented anyway
; tech_goals    = technology goals, up to 10
; wonder        = primary wonder
; government    = wanted government
; cities        = city names, of course :-)
; section [misc] currently contains cities suggested when
; you run out of default cities for your nation

*include "nation/boer.ruleset"
*include "nation/carthaginian.ruleset"
*include "nation/catalan.ruleset"
*include "nation/french.ruleset"
*include "nation/italian.ruleset"
*include "nation/portuguese.ruleset"
*include "nation/spanish.ruleset"

; barbarians MUST go last
*include "nation/barbarian.ruleset"

*include "nation/misc_cities.ruleset"

Attachment: class_reverse
Description: Text document

Attachment: class_processor
Description: Text document

Attachment: classes.ruleset
Description: Text document

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