Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Norwegian flag.

[Freeciv-Dev] Norwegian flag.

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Norwegian flag.
From: Big Gaute <gs234@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 02 Aug 2000 20:15:55 +0200

After playing the vikings for a while I decided that the Norwegian
flag looked a bit odd.  I took the trouble to look up the Flag Act of
1898 somewhere and had a look at the appropriate data/*/flags.xpm
files.  Sure enough, Freeciv gets it wrong.  The Norwegian flag has
proportions like this:

@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ +   +
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ |   |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 6 |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ |   |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ |   |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ +   |
+++++++''+++++++++++++     |
'''''''''''''''''''''' +   |
'''''''''''''''''''''' + 2 | 22
+++++++''+++++++++++++     |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ +   |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ |   |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 6 |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ |   |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ |   |
@@@@@@+''+@@@@@@@@@@@@ +   +

+----+ ++ +----------+
  6     2      12


I basically pasted this into the engels tileset and it looked fine,
though it is a bit smaller than the other flags.

I also had a look at the trident tileset, but I didn't dare to fiddle
with it because of my lack of understanding of the xpm format.  Do the
full stops that border all the flags have a special meaning?  I'm
pretty sure that this could be adapted for trident as well, though.

I'm fairly certain (but not absolutely) that the other Scandinavian
flags have similar proportions.

As a Norwegian, I think that this flag looks better and should go in,
assuming that I haven't overlooked anything, off course.

Big Gaute (not to be confused with LG)
I'm definitely not in Omaha!

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