Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: patch: hashtable stuff, attempt #2

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: patch: hashtable stuff, attempt #2

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: David Pfitzner <dwp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: patch: hashtable stuff, attempt #2
From: Jed Davis <jldavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 22:17:41 -0400

--On Tuesday, 1 August 2000 11:15 PM +1000 David Pfitzner <dwp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Jed Davis <jldavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

& I should note that the list of prime table sizes, string hash function
(a  simple radix-5 polynomial encoding), integer hash function
(identity), and  most of a binary search algorithm were more or less
taken from the g++ STL  (courtesy of SGI and HP); I didn't think these
inclusions were significant  enough to require a copyright notice.

When you say g++ STL, does that mean it is available under GPL if
our use were to fall under copyright?

(Otherwise I would be a little concerned - much better for Freeciv
code to be unambiguously free, rather than guess whether something
is substantial enough, or "copying enough" to fall under copyright.)

I made a point of checking on that before I did anything. This is from my /usr/include/g++-2/std_hashtable.h: (the same notice appears on all of the STL headers)
* Copyright (c) 1996
* Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation.  Silicon Graphics makes no
* representations about the suitability of this software for any
* purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* Copyright (c) 1994
* Hewlett-Packard Company
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation.  Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
* representations about the suitability of this software for any
* purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

This seems GPL-compatible (and then some) to me. The only condition I see (and the one I was referring to before) is the obvious one of noting the copyright and permissions if a significant amount of the original is used. (Which I doubt is the case here, since everything I used is fairly common knowledge, at least as far as algorithms go.)


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