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[Freeciv-Dev] About Fascism and compromises

[Freeciv-Dev] About Fascism and compromises

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] About Fascism and compromises
From: Dmitriy Genzel <udgenzel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 15:44:31 -0400 (EDT)

(Disclaimer: I am Jewish, and so naturally biased)

As several people said, I do not think it makes sense to have a Nazi
nation in the first place. Someone mentioned an inconsistency about
Italians & Romans, and Germans & Bavarians - at least first pair
clearly existed/exists and are certainly not the same, and the same is at
least partially true for the second. In any case, Bavarians were a sort of
nation (ethnical group) while Nazis were not - they were a political
movement. I guess proper way of saying would be to call Nazis only
the members of National Socialist Party of Germany. Please correct me if I
am wrong, but I think that was the way the word was used in Germany at
that time anyway.

So, if one wants to have a fascist patch, it would make sense to just use
Germans, (or Italians, or Spanish). That really eliminates the need for
the nazi symbolic.

Now, I would not even mind all that much if there was a Nazi nation, I
just would not play for it, as I don't play for Mordor. (I might be
reluctant to ally myself with someone who play it, though). Fascism
government is a bit more disturbing. If it ever were to my tactical
advantage to use it, it would cause a moral dilemma of sorts (see
disclaimer above). So, I'd rather have, say, Fundamentalism with the same
ruleset. Or perhaps Nationalism (Napoleonic style) with some milder
features of Fascism. By the way, Nationalism is a modern invention too.

As for Blitzkrieg - why not make it a wonder that expires with (for
instance) appearance of nuclear warfare or stuff like that. Or, let's make
it only apply to artillery & howitzer, so armor will still be fast enough
to destroy enemy units, even if enemy has this wonder.

Another idea: in view of what Blitzkrieg really is, why not make it a
wonder that lets military units ignore zones of control instead of having
increased speed.


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