Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: -lintl missing on civserver link (PR#268)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: -lintl missing on civserver link (PR#268)

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To: Piotr.Sulecki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: -lintl missing on civserver link (PR#268)
From: David Pfitzner <dwp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 18:22:04 +1100 (EST)

Piotr.Sulecki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> The subject line says it all. Linking civserver fails with the following
> error message:
> gcc  -g -O2 -Wall  -o civserver  autoattack.o barbarian.o cityhand.o
>    citytools.o cityturn.o civserver.o console.o diplhand.o gamehand.o
>    gamelog.o gotohand.o handchat.o mapgen.o maphand.o meta.o plrhand.o
>    ruleset.o sernet.o settlers.o spacerace.o stdinhand.o unitfunc.o
>    unithand.o unittools.o ../common/libcivcommon.a ../ai/libcivai.a
>    ../common/libcivcommon.a ../ai/libcivai.a  
> /usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
>    gettext (code)
>    textdomain (code)
>    bindtextdomain (code)
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Yes, this has been reported before, but we don't yet have 
a good fix.  (Except the work-arounds mentioned in INSTALL 
in freeciv-1.10.0.)  We really need someone who has a system
where this happens who also knows enough about autoconf etc
to work out a solution...  :-/   (Or a close collaboration 
between someone with such a system and someone who knows 
> When I add -lintl to the above line and link civserver by hand, the rest
> of compilation/linking works OK, and the client link step includes -lintl.

Its curious that the client works, since the configuration
stuff (at least for gettext) is basically the same for both
the server and client.  Could you perhaps send copies of
server/Makefile and client/Makefile produced by configure?

-- David

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