Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [Re: Gl client probs]

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: [Re: Gl client probs]

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To: Franck Guillaud <f.guillaud@xxxxxxx>, freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [Re: Gl client probs]
From: * <spurius@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 18 Feb 00 02:48:31 America/Fort_Wayne

Hey, sorry it took so long to write.  Been workin my arse off, my group
members have been slacking horribly (I've given up on them, if they want it
for windows, they can do it themselves, it'll probably be all they do, just
get it to compile), and not to mention, I was sick half the week.  I had a
nasty detour as well in the program code.  Spent 3 days trying to convert all
my code to vertex arrays, only to find out that they sap a tremendous amount
of ram which I just couldn't afford, and I had to spend another day
de-converting.  But anyways... my goal is, all terrains by tomorrow, and all
objects by next tuesday.  Again, screen shots when available.

 - Rob

> PS2:My net code is grabbed from the gtk client and the common/ dir 
> in the sources. Do you know if this is code portable accros
> Win32, BeOS and Linux ?
There is gtk for windows (and obviously, linux), and I believe BeOS; however,
how portable code is across them I do not know.  I do know, however, that
freeciv gtk for linux compiles in MSVC, it just won't link because they can't
figure out how to link it with the gtk dll that came with gimp for windows
(which installed gtk).

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