Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Minor bugs?

[Freeciv-Dev] Minor bugs?

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Minor bugs?
From: Steven Burnap <sburnaplinux@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2000 12:22:08 +0000

I hope these haven't been mentioned before.  I've noticed one cosmetic bug and 
one minor inconsistency with Civ 2.

The bug is that in the city dialog, if you have too many units to fit on the 
screen, it only displays the first twelve or so.   There doesn't appear to be a 
way to get any additional ones without doing something with one of the first 
twelve.  (Civ II has
problems here too, but only when you have something like 30+ units.)

Also, in Civ II, whenever a unit takes over a city (even if it is destroyed), 
that unit is immediately upgraded to full health.  (I used to use that a lot in 
Civ II, though I've always found it wierd.)

Additionally, not a bug but (at least for me) an annoyance.  When you finish a 
structure in freeciv, it automatically starts building the next structure that 
it thinks you should have.  (In Civ II, it pops up gives you a chance to do 
something.)  This can
be a pain if you follow the same strategy as me, which is to expand like mad, 
building mostly settlers, and ignoring buildings for the early part of the 
game.  I keep accidently building structures because I didn't notice the line 
in the message box.  (I
can see why this wasn't done the way Civ II does it as that makes 
micromanagement worse.  What would really solve this problem is a true build 

Steve Burnap

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