Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] unable to set language on OSF1

[Freeciv-Dev] unable to set language on OSF1

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To: "'freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] unable to set language on OSF1
From: "Goller, Karlheinz" <karlheinz.goller@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 10:49:28 +0100

I'm playing freeciv-cvs on OSF1 (digital unix / True64 unix)
4.0d and I'm unable to get a other language than english.

I've tried to set LANG, LC_ALL and even LINGUAS to de, but
without any success before and after compiling (i'm not 
using gcc !!).

The most actual version I've tried is freeciv-cvs-Jan-06_tar.bz2.

The problem may be, that a locale "de" does not exist on this
system (the german locale is "de_DE.ISO8859-1") so that after
setting the LANG variable to "de" the command "locale" shows only
LANG as "de", all other variables (LC_MESSAGES ..) stay "C".

Is there any workaround known for this problem? 
It would be nice if this feature would work on non-Linux systems too.

I've also detected some compiler-warnings concerning pointer conversions,
for example (there are a lot!):

 cc: Warning: citydlg.c, line 324: In this statement, the referenced type
of the pointer value "cityicon_bits" is "unsigned char", which is not
compatible with "const char".
    icon_bitmap=gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(root_window, cityicon_bits,

 cc: Warning: cityrep.c, line 291: In the initializer for test_func, the
referenced type of the pointer value "gtk_object_get_data(...)" is "void",
which is not compatible with "function (pointer to struct city, int)
returning int".
  TestCityFunc *test_func = gtk_object_get_data(parent,

cc: Warning: cityrep.c, line 368: In this statement, the referenced type of
the pointer value "test_func" is "function (pointer to struct city, int)
returning int", which is not compatible with "void".
  gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(menu), "freeciv_test_func", test_func);

cc: Warning: dialogs.c, line 1482: In this statement, the referenced type of
the pointer value "(*((__builtin_isfloat(void ...)&&sizeof(void
...)>sizeof(double))?*(((args)._offset+=((int)sizeof(void ...)+7)&-8),(void
...)(((char ...)(args)._a0)+(args)._offset-(((int)sizeof(void
...)+7)&-8))):(((args)._offset+=((int)sizeof(void ...)+7)&-8),(void ....."
is "void", which is not compatible with "function (pointer to struct
_GtkWidget, pointer to void) returning void".
    fcb=va_arg(args, void *);


Thanks in advance

Karlheinz Goller

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