Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] [PATCH] Gtk+ Server

[Freeciv-Dev] [PATCH] Gtk+ Server

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: jpranevich@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] [PATCH] Gtk+ Server
From: jpranevich@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 15:28:25 -0400


[Please respond to jpranevich@xxxxxxxxxxxx... I don't know how to set a
Reply-to: in this mailer.]

Different email address this time. Mailcity doesn't want to accept attachments
for me right now. So, I'm moving from one suck mail client to another. (Lotus
Notes) Please forgive me if this doesn't come out as expected.

This is the patch that makes a gtk+ version of the civserver application. I
won't claim that it's done (it's not) but it does run. There are no new features
since the last email I sent out except it has been merged into the current cvs.
(The code however has been completely reorganized and whatnot. I hope that those
people that I sent out patches to before don't have anything to synch, because
it would be tough.)

Actually, the patch is slightly less along than the previous version. Log
messages are not being redirected to the status bar, and there are no error
dialogs in place. A lot of text is being directed at the console. However, the
infrastructure is still in place and I'll probably spin out a new version with
those things fixed within the next couple days. But take a look, it's still very

So, here it is. Please let me know how much needs to be done before these
changes can be merged, I'm interested in getting this synched as quickly as
possible so as to allow me much easier merging cycles. I'm hoping for this to
make it in before 1.8.2.

(See attached file: freeciv-joe.patch)

Also: I can't use the arrow keys in the latest cvs version of the Gtk+ client.
This makes it rather hard to play, any suggestions?



Attachment: freeciv-joe.patch
Description: Binary data

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