Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re : [Freeciv] Turn_done

[Freeciv-Dev] Re : [Freeciv] Turn_done

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re : [Freeciv] Turn_done
From: a_beraud@xxxxxxxx (Alexandre BERAUD)
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 15:50:23 +0200 (MET DST)
Reply-to: a_beraud@xxxxxxxx


>please add an option like "auto turn done". So that you don´t have to press
>turn_done button ervery time. Only when no unit it movable ( all units in
>go-to-mode , auto-expl. , auto-settle or simply no units avaliable ) then 
>have to press the button.

Like CivII, you mean.

>I don´t know how it is on slower computers, but on my P-II-400 you can´t 
>any enemy movement ( it is too fast ). When a unit travels 30 squares over
>railroad, it happen within less than a 1/10th second.

It's something like 1/2 second on my P120. However, your remark is
good because we don't often focus on such details that can be really
ennoying after a while.

>So I can´t see where the enemys come from, because they use my railroad-
>and they seems to be everywhere. An Option to cange this will be nice.
>And the third point : When a city finished a city improvment it starts 
>one, better could be : everytime a builduing is finished a popup-dialog 
>up and you have to set it, like it is with the technology. There can be 
also a
>goal (  research , financial, defense, food, ... ). 

Maybe as an option, yes.

>The problem is : Everytime the "autochoice" want to build city-walls and
>barracs but I don´t want, and sotimes I forget to set it and so I got a
>city-wall which is useless at some moment.

I've got the same problem. Why not a list of user-defined improvement
that no city should build. Or maybe such a list for each city.

>Also a little problem is that you can´t scroll the map by clicking onto the

>small map upper left.

Try right button.

>Thats all at the moment, ;-) be be prepared (-; !

We are.

>PS: Something I haven´t found : How can I meet with others ? ( to make
>peace, coalition or whatever )

You can't meet the AI, unless you have suicidal tendencies. This is
a big lack in the actual code, but I think some people are working on
it at the time being.



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  • [Freeciv-Dev] Re : [Freeciv] Turn_done, Alexandre BERAUD <=