Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: April 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Idea: bionic science

[Freeciv-Dev] Idea: bionic science

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Idea: bionic science
From: Myckel Habets <root@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 08:03:15 +0200 (CEST)
Reply-to: Myckel Habets <root@xxxxxxxx>

I included a new idea for a science.
I hope you will like it.

Myckel Habets
I have an idea for a new science.
It's called: Bionic Science.

              / Computers
Bionic Science
              \ Medicine

-Bionic Science
        -Allows Bionic Valley
             Makes one unhappy citizen content in the
             city where this wonder is located and
             boosts science output in each city by
         -Allows Bionic Warfare

              / Bionic Science
Bionic Warfare
              \ Tactics
-Bionic Warfare
          -Allows Bionic Marines (with Amphibious Warfare)
             Marines with Defens: 8     
                          Attack: 9
                          Move: 2
                          Cost: 80 (?)
          -Allows Bionic Alpine Troops
             Alpine Troops with Defens: 7
                                Attack: 7
                                Move: 1
                                Cost: 60 (?)
          -Allows Cyborg(s)
             This unit goes automatic to the weakest hostile city
             and attacks this city. (The player doesn't need to
             send it to a city.) When there is a sea on it's
             path you need to send a ship to transport the cyborg
             to hostile ground. It also attacks hostile units
             that are near the cyborg unit (except settlers)
               Defence: 10           Attack: 10
               Move:1                Costs: 100 (?)

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