Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 1999:
Re : [Freeciv-Dev] Wonder tiles

Re : [Freeciv-Dev] Wonder tiles

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re : [Freeciv-Dev] Wonder tiles
From: a_beraud@xxxxxxxx (Alexandre BERAUD)
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 16:49:05 +0100 (MET)
Reply-to: a_beraud@xxxxxxxx

Wow. I've just survived a heart attack. Thanx to David Pfitzner and his 256 
colors converted wonders, but when I wanted to copy the file on my HD, it 
crunched the old one. Shivering like crazy, I finally found a
copy of them on a blessed old floppy and I could restart to live normaly
and feed my dog (he hates Linux for this).

Seriously, I think like Martin that wonders should be placed next to a
city. But I don't think it should not affect the tile under. Here are
my suggestions (they are drastic !):

- Wonders can be constructed on some kinds of terrain only. The Lighthouse 
on water (only coastal cities could build it), the Pyramids
on flat ground, the Apollo Program near the equator, etc... It could be
fun to have to conquer an ennemy city in order to get closer to the
equator. But many other possibilities exist.

- Wonders make the tile sterile ! Most of the tiles have quite no 
transparent pixels and some have ABSOLUTELY none. Moreover, it would be
the price to have the wonder.

- In the city menu, it should be impossible to move a wonder (of course).

Well, that's all I've thought to for now.
Other thing: some people I won't mention here (Nicolas Brunel) (oops...) :o)
 proposed a somewhat stylized representation of some wonders but I've drawn 
them like monuments in order to be seen from the sky (that's why I had to 
represent the whole Statue of Liberty, for exemple).

The question is: WHO will code the wonders ???

Bye, folks.

Alexandre BERAUD

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