Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] patch: terrain transform

[Freeciv-Dev] patch: terrain transform

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] patch: terrain transform
From: Greg Wooledge <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 14:31:16 -0500

This patch adds the Engineer terrain transformation feature (from Civ2)
to Freeciv.

I couldn't find any documentation on the timing of this operation, so I
just made up a number (24, which means a lone Engineer will require 12
turns to complete this).  If someone has actually counted turns and can
supply better values, that would be great.  The numbers are supplied on
a per-terrain-type bases, so transformations could take different
amounts of time based on the starting terrain type.

This has been tested, but not fully.  I've done Desert->Plains and
Mountains->Hills so far, and it seems to work as expected.

This builds on the settler teamwork patch which was just added to CVS.
However, the version that was put into CVS is slightly different from
mine (it resets moves_left to 0).  I don't know what the effects of
this change to my patch are yet (I plan to test it soon; but I was in
the middle of writing this patch...).

I have noticed one subtle bug with the settler teamwork patch (as I
wrote it, not as it's in CVS, which I haven't tested yet): sometimes,
when a teamwork task is completed, one or more of the units which
participated may not "wake up" properly.  I have a pretty good idea
of why this is happening, so it's yet another thing I have to test now
that I've finally finished and tested this transform stuff.

Attachment: fc-terrain-transform.diff.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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