Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] suggestion about science.

[Freeciv-Dev] suggestion about science.

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To: "freeciv_mailinglist_dev" <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] suggestion about science.
From: "Martin Willemoes Hansen" <martin_w_hansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 13:54:26 -0000

Hi Freecivers!

I was thinking about how Science is handled in Freeciv.
Now you are selecting what new science you would like
to discover, but aint that a litlle unrealistic? Would
a people now what new science was ahead and go for it?
No most science gets discovered by accident!

Maybe in a new Freeciv rules version of Freeciv we 
could make the leader chose between one of the 
following science directions:

1. Military science.
2. Peacefull science.

Maybe that could be splitted up in more realistic 
goals. Somebody who works with science properly know
better than me.

This would also make the game a little more 
unpredictable, and make it more like real life.

Ofcourse one cant discover flight right away but 
instead writing, the wheel or something else and follow
the hirakracy.

It will also make trade of science more valuable, and
maybe it can stop a game of getting to fast done.

This is just an idea to make it more like "real life".
For now I think we should obey the rules of 
Civilization II.

However there is several new Civilizations wich takes
there base from Civ II, like Great Nations, Civ III &
the new game Sid has put his name into. The question
is will Freeciv go for its own rules or follow one of
these games?

Personally I think we should start enhancing Freeciv
in v. 1.2.x with more realistic features and go away 
from the unrealistic. Until then we should get as close 
to the Civ II rules as posible.

Best regards

Martin Willemoes Hansen

E-Mail  martin_w_hansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
IRC     Dr_nick | #stampede
ICQ     11597690

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