Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 1999:
Re:[Freeciv-Dev] that map editor thingy

Re:[Freeciv-Dev] that map editor thingy

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:[Freeciv-Dev] that map editor thingy
From: Daniel Gudlat <gudlat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 15:02:15 +0100 (MET)

Hello FreeCiv team,
I just tried uploading the newest version of the map editor on, but had to give ap as the server wasn't at its
most communicative, to put it that way.
So I don't spam the list with this, I'll make the thing available
under my homepage as
I'll try to get a link up from my homepage, depending on how much
time I've got today.

For the news:
  Fixed a memory leak,
  restructured the code,
  knows how to deal with the new xpm's (separate roads.xpm),
  knows about diagonal roads,
  runs with rulests-aware CVS-Snapshots, which means it may have ceased
  to run with anything pre-rulesets.
  has new line and rectangle drawing modes.
To do:
  haven't verified that switching to rulesets hasn't adversely affected
  my patch to the FreeCiv server code (which I have updated as well to
  hopefully work with the latest snapshots)

  type 1 scenario's (maps with start positions and specials) are
  currently broken in both FreeCiv and CivWorld.

  Due to the use of off-screen drawing, having large (>100x100) maps with
  true color visuals (32 bit) and a decently large tile set (>=30x30)
  causes the X-Server to eat memory like there's no tomorrow. Need to
  figure out when to cease using off-screen pixmaps.

Daniel "Gudy" Gudlat                (mailto:gudlat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
ICQ-UIN: 5258903               (
"Let us do the undoable, let us think the unthinkable.  Let us prepare to
grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all!"

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