Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 1999:
Re: moves_left

Re: moves_left

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To: freeciv-dev
Subject: Re: moves_left
From: schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Peter Schaefer)
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 22:15:39 +0100

>Why do all units have much more 'moves_left' than they actually should  
>have ? For example a chariot has 6 ?    
It's because roads cost only 1/3rd of a movement point.
So you can move three times along  a road with one visible movement point
(whih is 3 points moves_left)

I'd advocate to use 24 or even 120 as equal to one full movement point,
but that requires changes n lots of places in the code :-)
See you could divide 120 by all kinds of numbers :-)
Maybe the rules patch will take care of it ;-)

>int unit_goto_in_one_turn(struct unit *punit,int x,int y,int available_moves); 

You can attack as long as moves_left>0, it's just that if you have one point 
in moves_left you atck with only 1/3 of the attack power.

>for each player I need the diplomacy options      
What's this ? I don#t remember :-)
Can we have mutual aggression indexes while you are at chaning the player 
struct :-)
Peter Schaefer           mailto:schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
coz' hackers LOVE irix

Peter Schaefer           mailto:schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
coz' hackers LOVE irix

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