[Freeciv-Dev] cvs access
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Am I doing something wrong or is the cvs not accessible at this
moment ?
bart@esben % cvs -d :pserver:freecvs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/home/freeciv/CVS login
(Logging in to freecvs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to www.freeciv.org:2401 failed: Connection
I used 'freecvs' as password
/Esben (bart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
: But for some things, Perl just isn't the optimal choice.
(yet) :-)
-- Larry Wall in <199702221943.LAA20388@xxxxxxxx>
- [Freeciv-Dev] cvs access,
Esben Haabendal Soerensen <=