Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 1998:
[Freeciv-Dev] What do we want to do about Great Nations?

[Freeciv-Dev] What do we want to do about Great Nations?

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: compsci-project@xxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] What do we want to do about Great Nations?
From: Christopher M Weber <cweber@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 19:30:34 -0600 (EST)

        First I would like to say thank you for freeciv.  Before we found
it a month ago I and many of my fellow classmates had desided that we were
going to make a version of civ for Linux.  We were very surprised to see
it already done.  So now we have desided to help the development of the
code.  We have a few projects underway.  We will (hopefully) release some
of the code we have been working on tomorrow.

If everyone hasn't had a chance to look at I would
suggest look at it or maybe even downloading it and run it a couple of
times.  There are a couple of things that I think we should try to
implement into freeciv, also a couple of things I think we shouldn't.

We should: (In my opinion)
1) Displaying of variables (side data frame)
        I think it's pretty cool to see how a unit, wonder, or struct.
effects the status of a city.  Also the display of such variables as
corruption and trade maybe the only way you can quantitatively know.

2) 3D board
        Even though I haven't searched exstensively in the freeciv code
for it.  I like the Civ2 board rather than the good ole Civ1 board.

3) The ability to sav and load games
        I'm sure we all know how long it takes to actually beat the game
(if you have a chance, no thanks to the player-killer ai, you've really
got the diety level down).  There currently is evedence that the ai saves
due to all the .sav files it litters.  It would be nice if it was built
into the game menu.

4) I kind of like the idea of multiple levels of subs and planes.

5) This may or may not be in GN, I would like the abilty to edit the
initial variables that are implemented on startup.  This instead of
changing them each time I startup civserver

This we shouldn't: (In my opinion)
1) Their implementation of menus is confusing.  They don't even list the
quick commands.  I had to serch the help.  Which bring up another point.

2) change the help
        DON'T!  The help menu in freeciv is very useful and superior to

Even though I have been wordy here.  Anyone care to comment.

P.S. to the people who are working on it when will 1.8 or the next version
of Freeciv (freeciv with GTK+) be comeing out.
Chris Weber
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