Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-ai: February 2005:
[freeciv-ai] Re: AI does not accept big gifts O_o

[freeciv-ai] Re: AI does not accept big gifts O_o

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To: Mateusz Stefek <ms209290@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-ai@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-ai] Re: AI does not accept big gifts O_o
From: Lo'oris <looris-ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 20:52:56 +0100

Il giorno 13/feb/05, alle 20:50, Mateusz Stefek ha scritto:

Navigation reduces your income from trade routes and automobile increases pollution generated by your population. So theoretically having them may harm you. That's why AI doesn't accept them as a gift.

and i suppose that tactics obsoletes some barracks?

I agree that this is silly (at least with default ruleset).

i have to think about that
[Lo'oris,] Tu vabbè c'hai Genova nel sangue e sei la persona più tirchia che abbia mai visto su un forum.
- Lord Phobos


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