[freeciv-ai] Re: AI diplomacy v5 (PR#2413)
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On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx via RT wrote:
> > > - We talk like humans do. Well, almost. We're not entirely Turing
> > > certified yet.
> >
> > I only see thingslike:
> > 2: (2 ai diplo) requesting support from 4 to crush 1
> > in the serveroutput but nothing in the Chatline.
> Ok, there are messages like that. I only didn't see them.
It will only send them if either of you have an embassy. If it has embassy
to you, it will also popup the diplomacy dialog with suggestions.
> > civserver: aiunit.c:1016: ai_military_rampage: Assertion `count >= 0'
> > failed.
> > Aborted (core dumped)
> > civserver: sanitycheck.c:243: check_units: Assertion
> > `ground_unit_transporter_capacity(x, y, pplayer) >= 0' failed.
> Aborted (core dumped)
I changed nothing in this part of the code, and my changes were very
localised, so I suspect something is wrong with allied troops and
transports. Maybe it broke an alliance and had troops in an enemy
transport? I think Jordi reported this as a bug earlier, but I haven't
been able to reproduce it.
Do you have a savegame?
- Per
- [freeciv-ai] Re: AI diplomacy v5 (PR#2413),
Per I. Mathisen via RT <=