[freeciv-ai] Re: enemies_at() flip flop
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which file/function are you looking at?
On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Per I. Mathisen wrote:
> adjc_iterate(x, y, x1, y1) {
> if (!pplayer->ai.control
> && !map_get_known_and_seen(x1, y1, unit_owner(punit))) {
> continue;
> }
> > if (is_enemy_city_tile(map_get_tile(x1, y1), unit_owner(punit)))
> > return TRUE;
> unit_list_iterate(map_get_tile(x1, y1)->units, enemy) {
> if (pplayers_at_war(unit_owner(enemy), unit_owner(punit)) &&
> can_unit_attack_unit_at_tile(enemy, punit, x, y)) {
> a += unit_belligerence_basic(enemy);
> if ((a * a * 10) >= d) return TRUE;
> }
> } unit_list_iterate_end;
> } adjc_iterate_end;
> Take a look at the lines denoted > above. They cause unnecessary waiting,
> and in one case I've seen, also flip flop goto behaviour. A unit
> invulnerable to anything in the city shouldn't wait, in particular not sea
> or air units. I want to remove it.
> Yours
> Per
> "I don't see why people are so upset about cloning sheep. American
> television networks have been doing that to their audiences for years."
> -- Jello Biafra