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[aclug-L] 19" "SD" TV & a DVD

[aclug-L] 19" "SD" TV & a DVD

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To: Air Capital Linux <discussion@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] 19" "SD" TV & a DVD
From: David Carmichael <dec2955@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 10:04:23 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

I am sending the email out to few people that I think might enjoy the
the first person to reply ..AND.. pick-up it is yours...

I have a 19" "SD" TV & a DVD player that I had been trying to sell for
$30.00 but have not had any takers and really want them out of my house.

If you want them I will give them to you.. they both were working and have
remotes and even have the manual for the TV!

The TV is basic cable ready, also have Audio/Video inputs for the DVD

If you feel that it might be worth the $30 I am willing to take in trade
gift card from:
Dillons, Target, Best Buy

But that is up to you if you give me anything as I will give it to you at no

I also have a set-top DVD recorder that was working when pulled from my
system.. the only trouble is.. due to changes in the quality of blank media
and changes in the 'DYE' used in all but two brands of blank DVD+R/RW's it
will only work currently with one brand of off the shelf MEDIA 'Verbatim'
brand! , the other 'Taiyo Yuden' has to be mail ordered.

It will not work with most batches of the low cost store brands from
OfficeMax, or Office Depot, nor does not work with Memorex, TDK, Sony,
Prodisc Spin-X, Ritek Ridata, Imation?(3M), Philips®.. to name the brands
that I have tried..
It works greate to move VHS -> DVD or as a back-up machine for your
Cables/Satelite DVR.. which was what I have been doing with in for about
five years... I will give it to you also..

The only thing is all I ask is that you don't try to re-sell!!  Or get mad
at me it is stops working..
I only replaced them with "HD" equipment, All three were working when


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Laughing at yourself is therapeutic!
The geek shall inherit the earth...

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