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[aclug-L] Re: Motorola Calls on Linux for Smart Phone

[aclug-L] Re: Motorola Calls on Linux for Smart Phone

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Motorola Calls on Linux for Smart Phone
From: Jeff Vian <jvian10@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 05:03:17 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

The anonymous FTP has restrictions for security reasons.

In order to do a put as anonymous you MUST have a directory 
(/var/ftp/pub/incoming) with world write permission
in order to do a get as anonymous you MUST have a directory with world 
read permission. (/var/ftp/pub is the default for this)

Most sites will have an incoming directory that is world write if they 
want to allow incoming files but they usually do not allow world users 
to list or read the contents.
That has at least a little bit of security in that it cannot be used as 
a relay point between users unless the second user who is trying to 
retreive the file knows the exact filename.
The configuration setting for the ftp daemon determines whether the 
files can even be retrieved at all by anonymous ftp once a put is completed

The world readable directory then has only the contents that the site 
manager has decided are to be made public and no one can 'put' files in 
that directory unless explicitly authorized by the permissions granted.

It sounds as if you have the default permissions for the /var/ftp/pub 
directory which is world readable, but only can be written to by root.
          drwxr-sr-x    2 root     ftp          4096 Jun 23  2002 
AND, the RH8 default server config is set to lock any user who logs in 
under their own account to only their own directory tree from their home 
directory downward.  Thus logging in as "user" does not give the user 
access to the entire server as it has in previous releases.

Thus, if you want to allow anonymous users to 'put' files to your server 
you would need to create a subdirectory under /var/ftp/pub that has 
world write permissions (often "/var/ftp/pub/incoming").  To separate 
the files being served as outgoing use different subdirectories under 
/var/ftp/pub for each category..... each with world read permissions.

Christopher Brown wrote:

>I will dig further...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Steven Saner <ssaner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 17:21:11 -0600
>To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Motorola Calls on Linux for Smart Phone
>>I'm afraid that I am not familiar with that ftp server, so I can't
>>give you any configuration advice. I would say the you might have a
>>permissions problem. Also look for any server logs to give you an idea
>>of what is going wrong. Generally when an operation fails a log
>>entry is made.
>>On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 03:39:47PM -0600, Christopher Brown wrote:
>>>Steve, that may very well be...I'm using the default anonftp that comes with 
>>>RH8...I'm anonymously ftping the incoming directory.
>>>Here's the weird thing root, I copied the files to the 
>>>/var/ftp/pub directory thinking that was the same situation...but I'm 
>>>stumped because it didn't work.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: Steven Saner <ssaner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 09:39:43 -0600
>>>To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
>>>Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Motorola Calls on Linux for Smart Phone
>>>>Do you know what ftp server program you are using? I don't know what
>>>>comes standard with RH8.0.  wu-ftpd? proftpd? other?
>>>>In general though, anonymous ftp is often set up so that there is an
>>>>"incoming" directory and an "outgoing" directory. You can anonymously
>>>>upload to the incoming directory, but can not download from
>>>>it. Conversely, you can anonymously download from the outgoing
>>>>directory, but not upload to it. This is done for security
>>>>reasons. Perhaps that is what you are running in to.
>>>>On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 08:34:03AM -0600, Christopher Brown wrote:
>>>>>Okay, I don'n normally ask, ...nor contribute, as to lack of 
>>>>>experience...I need a hand please.
>>>>>I've got RH8.0 on a laptop..that's not the issue it's running okay so far.
>>>>>The issue is this... I'm using the anonFTP on the system to host a few 
>>>>>files for backup on a peer-to-peer (lan is just for printing, nobody's 
>>>>>really sharing anything...I won't allow it). I can log in anonymously with 
>>>>>no problem, put with no problem...get, well now there's the problem.
>>>>>I've review my group and user settings..I just don't know why I can't copy 
>>>>>anything down.
>>>>>Any suggestions? (suiting up for a barrage)
>>>>>Chris Brown

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