Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: May 2001:
[aclug-L] Road runner

[aclug-L] Road runner

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To: <discussion@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] Road runner
From: "Jim Vetor" <jvetor1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 20:21:15 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

I am considering taking service with Roadrunner. 

Were is a good place to find a modem for use with them and about what does one 

What make and model do I want to look for? 

If anyone has a good used one for sale let me know. 

I'm wanting to connect two computers and be able to be on the internet at the 
same time on both. The problem is one computer is in another building. Can I 
run cable from the house (buried under the surface) to the other building to 
connect that computer?

 It would probabley take 100 feet of cable, would this degrade the signal?

Can this be done with the one modem box?

What would be a good card for this hookup and about what do they cost each? 

I've never messed with anything but dialup so any suggestions are welcome. 

Jim Vetor

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