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[aclug-L] [announce] Aclug Meeting: Monday, March 5: XML (eXtensible Mar

[aclug-L] [announce] Aclug Meeting: Monday, March 5: XML (eXtensible Mar

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To: <announce@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] [announce] Aclug Meeting: Monday, March 5: XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
From: "Info" <info@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 22:42:42 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

             Air Capital Linux Users Group of Wichita, KS

Event Summary 
 * Monday, Mar 05, 2001 - XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
 * Saturday, Mar 10, 2001 - Linux Demo @ Saturday Sale
 * Monday, Mar 19, 2001 - Port Sentry & Internet Security
 * Saturday, Mar 24, 2001 - Tentative date for Linux Install

Contact:  info@xxxxxxxxx

Location: 7:00/7:30 PM in 260 Jabara Hall at Wichita State (details below)
          This event is free and open to the public.  Please forward this
          message to anyone you feel may be interested in attending.

In This Bulletin

 * Aclug Meeting Details

 * Saturday Sale Details

 * Other Business: 
 * Meeting schedule
 * Contacts, Background information on ACLUG, and miscellaneous

Aclug Meeting: Monday, March 05: XML

EXtensible Markup Language) An open standard for describing data from the
W3C. It is used for defining data elements on a Web page and
business-to-business documents. It uses a similar tag structure as HTML;
however, whereas HTML defines how elements are displayed, XML defines what
those elements contain. HTML uses predefined tags, but XML allows tags to
be defined by the developer of the page. Thus, virtually any data items,
such as product, sales rep and amount due, can be identified, allowing Web
pages to function like database records. By providing a common method for
identifying data, XML supports business-to-business transactions and is
expected to become the dominant format for electronic data interchange.

James Violette will be tonight's speaker.

Linux Demo @ Saturday Sale: Saturday, March 10, 9AM - 3PM

The ACLUG Staff is continuing to Demo Linux at the Saturday Sale, which is
held on the second Saturday of each month. We will be educating people
on why they should consider Linux as an alternative to Windows 9x and
Windows 2000. As always, we will have copies of various distributions
available for $5 per CD.

Please consider dropping by and lending your support at the Demo.

Aclug Meeting: Monday, March 19: Port Sentry & Internet Security

This meeting will tentatively cover the basics of securing your internet

Free Linux Install: Saturday, March 24

The next Free Linux Install has been  tentatively rescheduled for

Other Business

If you have suggestions for a future Workshop, or a topic for a future
meeting, please feel free to send your suggestions to info@xxxxxxxxx 

Meeting Schedule

Meetings are typically held every other Monday at 7:00/7:30pm in 260
Jabara Hall on the campus of Wichita State University.  A sign will be
posted outside Room 260 in the event that we need to meet elsewhere.
Details on the event schedule and upcoming events can be found at; maps can be found at

7:00PM to 7:30PM is reserved for open discussion. 7:30PM to 7:45PM we will
cover old and new business, and make announcements of upcoming ACLUG

Our regular presentation will begin after the announcements, at
approximately 7:45. Of course, if you can make it at 7, you're encouraged
to stay for the whole program.  You are welcome to arrive at either 7 or

Further details will be posted to the aclug-announce mailing list; you can
subscribe for free at

About the Air Capital Linux Users Group

ACLUG was created in early 1998 as a group to help people discover
better ways to take advantage of modern computing through the use of
Linux.  All ACLUG events are free; we have hosted many free Linux
installation events, during which Linux was installed on dozens of
computers for no charge.  We would like to show the benefits of Unix
operating systems such as Linux to as many people as possible.  ACLUG
members range from people just starting out with computers and Linux
to those that have written parts of the Linux system or are doing
computer research under the Linux platform.

ACLUG would like to show you the benefits of Linux for home and
business use.  Feel free to attend one of our meetings or ask
questions about Linux at help@xxxxxxxxx.  You may also examine the
archives of previous discussions on our discussion lists at or join the list;
instructions for doing so are at
Announcements for upcoming ACLUG meetings and events will always be sent
first to the aclug-announce mailing lists.

      Dale W Hodge  - Secretary & Website Maintainer -  info@xxxxxxxxx
      Visit the Aclug Companion at

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  • [aclug-L] [announce] Aclug Meeting: Monday, March 5: XML (eXtensible Markup Language), Info <=