Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: February 2001:
[aclug-L] Re: Aclug Meeting (XML Presentation)

[aclug-L] Re: Aclug Meeting (XML Presentation)

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Aclug Meeting (XML Presentation)
From: John Reinke <jmreinke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 01:17:21 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

Too bad I don't live around there anymore. I'd like to go to this to see
what xml tools are available for Linux. It sounds like most people use
Microsoft's free parser, IE for browsing, and almost all programming is
done in Java. I use neither Microsoft nor Java, so I've starting using the
Apache group's C++ parser, and plain text editors for creating the xml/dtd

Without spoiling the presentation for those who can attend, what xml tools
have Linux people been using?


>Aclug Meeting: Monday, March 05: XML
>EXtensible Markup Language) An open standard for describing data from the
>W3C. It is used for defining data elements on a Web page and
>business-to-business documents. It uses a similar tag structure as HTML;
>however, whereas HTML defines how elements are displayed, XML defines what
>those elements contain. HTML uses predefined tags, but XML allows tags to
>be defined by the developer of the page. Thus, virtually any data items,
>such as product, sales rep and amount due, can be identified, allowing Web
>pages to function like database records. By providing a common method for
>identifying data, XML supports business-to-business transactions and is
>expected to become the dominant format for electronic data interchange.
>James Violette will be tonight's speaker.

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