Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: February 2001:
[aclug-L] AIDS and Cancer CURE

[aclug-L] AIDS and Cancer CURE

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] AIDS and Cancer CURE
From: Jbischofberger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ingeneius Reasearch)
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 22:09:38 1600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Times New 
Roman;}{\f1\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 We are writing you this letter because on a rare 
occasion, you may meet a unique 
\par organization that can dramatically alter your perception of the world and 
yourself. You will wonder why you had not thought of this before. Moreover, our 
ideas will push individual buttons and cause you to reevaluate your health and 
the health of your family, and close friends. We are making profound changes 
and bringing them into focus in new ways - offering meaning on many distinct 
levels, each one intense. 
\par Ingeneius Research is a non-profit scientific organization involved in 
HIV/ AIDS and Cancer research for 3 years to stop the spread of these insidious 
diseases. We are a dynamic organization of scientific visionaries that are 
re-creating the now generation of medicine. Our research project "Living At 
Maximum Potential" [ L.A.M.P ] cuts across all lines of traditional research. 
At the present time we are in intense pursuit of a cure that involves 
generating a novel synthesis that has been ignored or misinterpreted over the 
past 60 years. As a result, we find ourselves in a real technological fix. We 
are making attempts at raising the needed research funds in the amount of 
$869,400 . This will enable us to continue our very meticulous research and 
creative approach to stopping diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Cancer that have 
gotten way out of control. 
\par The magnitude of Ingeneius Research mission is incredible. Our solution: [ 
hBIOSS ]. This project consists of designing Human Bioelectromagnetic Index 
Operating Signal System. This system can detect and measure in real-time the 
HIV virons "pulsing like sonar" binding to the cell surfaces, and 
simultaneously map intracellular disease code patterns in specific bio-terrains 
in the body. By measuring the bioelectrogenesis between ultra small disease 
signals, this will help us find a common, unchanging element upon which to base 
an early non-invasive medical diagnosis, and a bioelectric treatment on. This 
will be the main model for solving forward and inverse problems surrounding the 
human organism infected with the AIDS disease. This concept is based on 
"bio-resonance" in which a disease fluctuates between two different states and 
gives rise to a new intermediate state. Because every new beginning, comes from 
some others beginnings end ! 
\par Imagine being able to expose serious on coming illnesses months to years 
before they are found by analyzing people's electronic vibrational patterns, 
and then utilize bioresonating energy to literally "CURE" diseases by 
manipulating the body's molecular energy. 
\par There are so many unseen negative influences on human health that are 
missed by conventional medical practitioners and treatments that many disease 
sources of Human suffering remain undetected. With your help, Ingeneius 
Research can continue presenting life saving information, conducting research 
and providing a solution to people with compromised immune systems and abnormal 
cell growths labeled as AIDS or Cancerous infections. We wouldn't be wasting 
our time to email you this important information, if we thought that it would 
not make an impact in the way you think about your health and the health of 
your loved ones. Ask yourself this question, when will a life-threatening 
disease affect my family or me? 
\par Thank you for your time and understanding, and just how important it is 
for all of us to participate in our own lives. But sometimes you need somebody 
or something to help you through the rough spots. 
\par Cordially Yours, 
\par Jim Bischofberger, P.I. 
\par jbischofberger @ 
\par \f1\fs17 
\par }

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