[aclug-L] Re: BNC to twisted pair converter?
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I have a gadget called a "Ethernet 10BaseT Transceiver", a tiny box that has a
coax cable connector (not a BNC) on one end, and an RJ45 connector on the other.
This gadget cost me approx. $50. I bought it at a Circuit City in NJ about two
years ago. Aside from being "Made in Taiwan", it doesn't seem to have a brand
name or anything. Presumably you have the tap from the main coax cable. If your
tap ends in a BNC connector, you'd need something different -- perhaps a used
A quick check at www.pcconnection.com shows a "EtherLAN 10baseT to AUI
for $22.95. That sounds pretty much like what I have. They also have AUI-BNC
tranceivers in the same price range, but I don't see BNC to 10baseT.
John Reinke wrote:
> This is a long shot, but I figured I'd ask:
> At school, my office has only a coax network connection. I was thinking
> about hooking my laptop up in my office, but it only has a builtin RJ45
> (twisted pair) jack. I imagine this might not be cheap, but has anyone
> heard of a little connector/converter that would allow me to hook my laptop
> up to a coax cable?
> Thanks,
> John
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