Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: December 1999:
[aclug-L] FW: Linux User Group Article

[aclug-L] FW: Linux User Group Article

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To: <aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] FW: Linux User Group Article
From: "Dale W Hodge" <dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 15:55:07 -0600
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Members of ACLUG,
 We recieved this message asking for input from members of LUG's. Feel free
to answer as little as you wish. I've filled in a couple questions for those
of you who don't know the answers.  If you think my estimate of
participation is wrong, feel free to change it a you see fit. Make sure you
reply to Zonker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx and not the mailing list.

Thank You!

The ACLUG Staff

-----Original Message-----
From: root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx On Behalf
Of Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier [ mailto:zonker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ]
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 7:42 AM
To: aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Linux User Group Article


I've gotten your email address either off of your LUG's Web site or off
of the Linux User Groups WorldWide group listing, I hope it's not too
much of an intrusion for me to be emailing you.

I'm writing an article on Linux User Groups for Linux Magazine and
I'm trying to get as  much feedback as possible from people who are
actually members of LUGs. If you could take the time to answer some of
these questions, I'd greatly appreciate it. If you'd like to pass the
questions on to other members of your group that would be helpful as
well. If there are questions I've missed asking, or comments that you
want to add, please feel free to do so.

When was your LUG founded? [March 1998]

When did you attend your first meeting?

What is your role in the group? (Officer, member at large?)

How has your user group contributed to your use of Linux?

Were you using Linux before you attended LUG meetings?

How much of Linux's popularity / success is related to Linux User Groups?

What is a typical meeting like for your user group?

How many people attend on average? [15]

Out of the people who attend your meetings, how many (percentage-wise)
are regulars, and how many are new each time? [80% regular, 20% new]

How often do you have meetings? [every two weeks]

What is a typical meeting like for your LUG? What type of activities,
speakers are typical? Is it formal, informal?

Has your LUG done any special activities (installfests, demo day) and
are there any that really stand out? If you have pictures available
of these events, please let me know -- we may want to publish them in
Linux Magazine.  [Install Fest, NetWorkshop, ACLUG BBQ. Linux Demo &
Game Day occur on December 11,1999  Pictures available at ]

How would you describe the "average" person in your LUG? (Yes, I know,
Linux Users aren't just "average," but what type of person makes up your
user group?)

Have you seen more or less interest in participating in a user group as
Linux becomes more popular?

Why do you personally use Linux?

Please include your name as you'd want to see it in print, your age,
where you live and the name of your Linux User Group. If you have photos
of meetings or special events that you think might be something we want
to include, please let me know where I can download them from.

Again, thanks for your help!


Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier
Tel: 303-693-3321 Fax 303-699-2793

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