Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: November 1999:
[aclug-L] modem question...

[aclug-L] modem question...

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To: <aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] modem question...
From: "gLaNDix" <glandix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 19:17:21 -0600
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

ok, i've gotten my modem to dialup, login, and start ppp correctly... only 
problem is i STILL have no internet...  i fixed my last problem, now this one 
is equally as perplexing...  my last problem was due to a misconfigured IRQ on 
my modem (IRQ 5 when it should've been 3)...  now, in /var/log/messages, i get 
an IP assigned to me, and it lists the remote IP, but it seems as if something 
is misconfigured on my system, because i cannot ping anything, including the 
remote IP (i can, however ping the IP it gives to my computer)...  
maybe some gateway configuration?  
i used to be on a LAN, so it was configured to use those settings...  could 
that be my problem?  is there something in /etc/networks or /etc/hosts or 
/etc/resolv.conf i need to change?  my /etc/networks has the old IP 
in it, which i used to use for the LAN connection, and my /etc/hosts is as 
follows:    localhost
my /etc/resolv.conf has as the doname, and 206.53.103.[1,3] as 
the DNS entries...
anyone got an idea?  i contacted SW, and they helped me out a bit (telling me 
about pon and poff), but after i got my IRQ thing fixed, i couldn't get ahold 
of the guy that was helping me...
a HUGE thanks to anyone who can help me...

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