[aclug-L] Automatically entering today's date in a subject line
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A friend of mine would like to get a web page that changes daily, using
the date as part of the file name. I thought I could write a little
script file to pull the file using wget and mail it to her including the
date in the subject line. My problem is that I don't know how to add a
changing argument to the command line.
The web page is in the form of xxx-MM-DD-YY.html. I discovered that
'date +%m-%d-%y' gives me what I want, i.e. 10-22-99. How do I get this
to wget, i.e. wget xxx-DATE.html and then how do I put it in a subject,
i.e. Web Page for DATE? Is this even possible?
My President sold our country's nuclear secrets to Communist China
and all I got was this .sig file