Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: October 1999:
[aclug-L] Re: Typical computer stuff

[aclug-L] Re: Typical computer stuff

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To: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Typical computer stuff
From: Curtis Hawthorne <cghawthorne@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:25:04 -0700 (PDT)
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

I can probably answer a few of your questions...

> 1.  What's the deal with the maximum mount count on
> hda8?

I'm pretty sure the reason it does this is because
after a certain number of boots, Linux just wants to
check your file system to be sure it is OK.  It has
happened to me several times and is normal.
> 2.  Does anyone know how to fix the Gnome shutdown
> command so that it 
> seems?

Don't know for sure on this one, but it might be that
when the password box comes up, you aren't typing in
that box.  You have to have you mouse over the
password box when typing in it.  I think the reason
for this is because Enlightenment has already exited,
so the only way to move the keyboard focus to that
window is to have the mouse over it.  One way to check
this is that you WILL see stars for the letters you
type unlike every other Linux password prompt.

> 3.  When I get the error message about
> /root/.netscape/lock, what can I do 
> to reset things back to normal?  Delete that file?

The reason for this is because there is still a copy
of Netscape running in the background somewhere after
you forceably destroyed it.  When you right click on a
window, it trys to get rid of the proccess, but
sometimes if it a particularly stubborn program it
still won't quit.  The remedy for this is to pull up a
terminal and type "ps -A"  find the first instance of
Netscape Comminicator and type "kill -9 1234" (where
1234 is the process number).  The -9 sends it a a
SIGKILL, which will get rid of any proces.  Then you
can run Netscape again.
> 4.  Is there an easier way to tell my modem to call
> the ISP?  I'd like to 
> be able to open netscape, and have the modem do it's
> thing automatically.

I like the program Diald (
for this.  It sits in the background and waits for
packets before connecting.  If you want a program that
is easier to set up (until you get more used to Linux)
another great program is WvDial
(  It is a
console program that automatically determines what to
send to your ISP to get you connected.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Nate Cozzens
> Learning Linux for relief.  Still waiting, but
> hopeful.

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